안녕하세요? (Hello~)

I hope this finds you well.

This is 1Choi from twoChois.com.

Today, I am glad to write a guest post on Kay’s blog.


I’d like to introduce about our store and blog. 🙂


Store: http://www.twochois.com

Blog: http://twochois.wordpress.com

Kakaotalk: twoChois

E-mail: twochois@twochois.com

Located in Seoul

What is twoChois.com?

– twoChois.com is an e-commerce selling Korean products to people living outside of South Korea.

twoChois means:

a. two Chois (1 choi, 2 choi)

b. two Choices

The latter means that we sell products with our selection (1st choice), and customers buy with their own choices “Special order” (2nd choice).

What we sell?

  1. Goods you can buy directly from our store (1st Choice)– Books especially Korean learning books, Stationary, Accessories, etc…

    – Customers can request to add products here.

  2. Goods you can order via “Special Order”(2nd Choice)– Basically anything you want except some limitation; copycats, foods, electronic goods, etc.

    – Name the product or give us link. We will order and send it to your home for you.

Why shop at twoChois.com?

  1. Previews available– We requested to Korean publishing company to give us good quality preview for our customers who may not have a chance to see the actual books.

    – Some of the books are not providing previews due to Intellectual Property Right(IPR) issue. We hope you could understand.

    ** Example of our preview page from “Grammar in Use Korean”Korean_Grammar_in_Use_beg_EN_1_5__24643.1364355220.1280.1280

  2. Place your own order– Customers can order anything on Korean e-commerce site through “Special Order Service”.

    – Now you can shop like Koreans!

    ** Some products may not be able to purchase.

    Shipping restriction

  3. We provide tracking number– Don’t worry about your package anymore. We give you tracking number on every shipment. In most countries, it is able to view tracking status.– Shop with confidence!

    Track your shipment!

  4. We accept PayPal and Credit card.– PayPal system is our main payment gateway.

    Customers who do not have PayPal account can also pay with their credit cards without creating PayPal account.

    – We never collect any of credit card information on our store.

    Enjoy secured shopping with us.

    When you proceed checkout without creating PayPal account,
    You cannot use an e-mail address or card number that belongs to an existing PayPal account. 

    If you do not want to use your PayPal account to proceed checkout,
    please use the email address and credit or debit card which do not belong to Paypal account.

  5. Pay with Paypal or Credit cards!
  6. Be the winner of the lucky draw for reviewing books!– To provide more active book reviews, we give an opportunity to receive a free book to our customers. The winner gets free book and is responsible for writing a review of the book within a month after receiving the book.“Liking us” on our Facebook page. That is the first step. 🙂Be the winner of the lucky draw!

Please visit our WordPress blog.


– Our blog is made for Korean language learners by providing information regarding Korean study. 받아쓰기(Dictation) would be held regularly.

If you don’t want to miss, follow us on WordPress.

Visit our Blog. :)


It’s almost done!

Please stay with us. The most important part is starting now!


Special offer

We’d like to give you “Special offer”.

Get it free! Get this free!


One of these little cute notebooks is yours with your purchase over $30 at twoChois.com.

We randomly send a notebook, please leave your preference in advance.


This is it!

Thanks for reading a long~ post.

Hope to meet you soon. >-<

Thanks, Kay 🙂


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