~you have been FORWARNED there is a lot of language and its a drama related post~


I am trying to keep really calm right now as I feel like smashing my own computer screen, as much as I love Jung Yong-hwa I just have no possible way of loving him in his current drama on KBS2 Marry Him If You Dare I actually have a few grievances when it comes to this pathetic, sad, waste of time of a drama. To be all that honest with you I knew this drama was completely screwed up when I got to episode 9 and there was no sign of a story in sight and still there was the retarded and may I say very agitating obsession Sejoo had/has with Mirae, when he makes his feelings know to her she rejects him, that should be the end of the whole ‘love confessions’ and ‘puppy love’ stupidity? NO Park Sejoo doesn’t go for that instead he hangs around the pathetically hopeless and ditsy Na Mirae hoping that she will fall hopelessly in love with me and forget all about the man who was going to be her husband in the future Kim Shin – now I am all for some tension in a drama but this is taking the spanners in the works to a whole new level, a level of stupidity.

Park Sejoo, the chaebol who was undercover as a humble VJ at YBS, falls in love with the new writer Mirae (you he remembers when he carried her to her room after she like passed out or whatever when she was skinny dipping meh.) after being rejected like a million and one times the dumb shit Sejoo just can’t get it in his ‘empty head’ that this chick does not love you and having a relationship beyond that of friendship is never going to happen and I repeat the word NEVER going to happen. Yeah he can continue to throw his money in her face, be sweet to her but at the end of the day the moron Mirae is still pining for Kim Shin and you MR. Chaebol have not a chance in bloody hell and the sooner you realise that the better. Also I kind of find the whole ‘stalking’ thing Sejoo does extremely disturbing ;; I mean falling asleep on her bed “WTF” is that all about? I would report that to the police – not kidding here. As for the Yoo-kyung/Sejoo relationship at first I was against this because I am biased to both Yoon Eun-hye and Jung Yong-hwa but now as I am seeing it as the characters in the drama this poor Yoo-kyung got it right she should just forget the idea of marrying the chaebol Sejoo and see it as her missing the missile to her head, that is what marrying Sejoo is like. Shooting yourself in the head. He is so nauseating.  Pathetic actually. ~ watching the Kim Shin character is like watching animal cruelty he is being whipped like a billion times, and for what reason I can’t even understand it all. The Mirae/Shin marriage should actually happen and then they can all live miserably and have Kim Shin die with the car or whatever the hell seems to happen. I don’t even care anymore.

I really don’t care what happens in this drama I read an article not too long ago that the writer says everyone will have some mixed responses and may not agree with the ending of the drama, but right now anything that happens I don’t agree with. I mean the latest episode (14) ended with Sejoo proposing to Mirae…I mean what the hell is all that about? The stupid dim-wit of a girl has rejected him so many times and shown without a shame that she does in fact have some strong feeling for Kim Shin but still you keep going after her, there must really be something wrong here for him to just continue going after the ditz who keeps saying ‘NO’ I mean how many times does this girl gotta reject you for you to realise ‘Hey she doesn’t love me….let me move on’ its also a weird mentality to have that the rich chaebol can just continue to express his feelings to this poor girl and simply because he is the charming (and very stupid) rich guy he can get his way. What is that about? I just don’t get it tbh.


Ah. Okay I am tired and at this time having watched this drama and realised it is going absolutely nowhere and is in fact ‘mind numbing’ I’m just a little pissed and have this feeling like the writers have kicked us drama-land fans straight in the mouth and taken us for granted, the cast is good I mean these are some really good actors, the plot too is really good. I mean imagine the plot and premise written by someone like I dunno off the top of my head ‘Hong Sisters’ this show could have been seriously daebak I am not kidding. But honestly speaking I am not even going to stop watching the show, I love anything Jung Yong-hwa be it a biased feeling or something it doesn’t matter I will always ship him though sadly I have to admit it wasn’t the best role for him. Doing a good job of agitating me as the character Park Sejoo but I don’t want a character that invokes agitation but more enjoyment and excitement, makes me fall in love with the character. That is why I watch dramas its a false reality, and I want to enjoy it. That being said, I still like the drama I just now realise its not something I can ‘love’ but something more to use as a tool to ogle everything Yong-hwa hehe </3 and should a novel come out I will buy that because its more about Yong-hwa than about the drama at all. 🙂

– Now its really late, can’t believe I stayed up longer just to bitch about a pathetic drama >< have a good Saturday and happy studying ~

ps :- my sister really helped me to come to the conclusion that this drama is going nowhere haha :p


  1. It’s like I wanna watch it, but I’m not sure now, haha. I know your pain. I hate when I’m all ready for a drama and then the more I watch, the more I go ._. and for me I’m the type that HAS to finish what I start. OTL

    1. Watch it because honestly if you have a bias (for me it is the lovely Jung Yonghwa) I had pain but I watched it again and yeah it sucks like hell but hey it’s really alright haha XD I too have to finish what I start to I gotta see it to the end right now ~ only 2 episodes left YAY

      1. Remember, I have a curse of the Jungs. Ultimate bias is Jung Yunho and regular biases are Jung Yonghwa and Jung Kyung Ho. And Jung Daehyun doesn’t exist. I was planning on watching this just for Yonghwa because Yonghwa. XD

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