First of all 😀 this is my first Korean learning textbook so I’m really excited ^^
I can’t even express it all in words that’s how excited I am right now ^^
But anyway I ripped opened the package as soon as I saw it and there she was my Integrated Korean 1 ^^ first ever Korean book also 🙂
So I’ve been paging through the book for the past hour I fell asleep I think from the excitement 😀
And first thing I love the fact the that the book has a super awesome looking Korean-English glossary its amazing I don’t know that many Korean words so i think this will definitely grow my Korean vocabulary and the more grammar I continue to learn plus all these words will really help to improve my Korean ^^
Then what I love about the introduction is how it practically explains alot about the Korean language and how it works cool ^^
It starts off with “What Kind of Language is Korean” and simply explains some basic facts about the Korean language who speaks it ; the different Korean dialects ; the differences between Korean and other languages ; honorifics ; vocabulary (and the borrowed words) and a whole lot more.
In each chapter of the book there are sections :
Conversation 1
Conversation 2
and ;
Korean culture
which is cool because I’m trying to learn more on Korean culture every time I can 🙂 this will help me more ^^
Grammar Index
There is a grammar index which I think is cool just study it from there 😀 I have to write in a notebook though I cant bring myself to write in my Korean textbook ^^ its not right!
Other things I like :
There is a pronunciation guide which looks awesome and since I need to work on my pronunciation I will be using that section of the book first and slowly improve on my pronunciation ^^
~Oh I just went on about my book didn’t I? I’m just so happy its finally here and 😀 lucky its a Friday night I got so much to work on tonight, not sure if I will even sleep.
Just study Korean all night ^^
where did you get this from? ^_^ it looks really neat!
I got in on Amazon just search “Integrated Korean” ^_^ and yeah it is really neat!
짱! If I don’t get it for Christmas I’ll get it myself 😀
ㅋㅋㅋ it’s the perfect Christmas present for a Korean learner haha XD I bought it as a pre-birthday present XD
Hi, is there any key answer for this book ?
No, sadly it actually does not have an answer key but it is still a very good book ^_^
looks good for beginners. Too bad my country is not Amazon friendly.
it is really good for beginners have even a chart for Hangul in the beginning! and a pronunciation guide to start with 🙂 and I think you can get it on the publishers website (Hawaii Press) 🙂 for 28$ I’m not sure if its friendly for you but if you want it you can give it a shot 😀
ps : if you already have mastered TTMIK Level 1-3 don’t bother buying it lol it will be too simple for you 🙂
Thanks for this helpful comment 🙂 Does it do international shipping, too? I live in the Philippines and some merchants only send to continental US.
I stopped studying in TTMIK due to the reasons I mentioned before, but I remember finishing level 2 only.
Yes! they do ship to international addresses (using USPS) which is how I get my books sent to me via USPS (^_^) and they are pretty fast actually and your welcome 🙂
Level 3 still had a lot to learn ~ I think though it took me ages to finish it lol /lazy/
Oh. Where do you live again? Oh. Perhaps it will take me months to finish Level 3. I am busy reading books and writing reviews for them as well as maintaining my blog. Not to mention my K-friends who always want to go with me – as a company and tour guide LOL
Zimbabwe 😀 so that’s why I’m saying that it would be really fast delivery date for you ^^ because I usually get my books in 2-3 weeks! And yeah you really are busy with your blog ….busy girl 😀
Oh dear. I guess I can call you lucky. I received three books today and when I looked at the date, they were sent last November 26 and December 2! Yeah, books arrive here a month or so after.
I am sure you are also busy studying Korean 🙂
@gongjumonica Yea. guess I you can but I still complain that it takes forever lol I can’t stand waiting for so long for my book want them in 3 days tops hehe! Yeah I am when I am not busy doing my schoolwork this year is a heavy load of subjects 🙁