Hey guys ^^ …first off I want you to take the quote below, read it, and remember it for the rest of today, and your life if you can.
Just take it…and OWN it.
Most “impossible” goals can be met simply by breaking them down into bite size chunks, writing them down, believing them, and then going full speed ahead as if they were routine.
-Don Lancaster
I read the quote, and thinking about myself, and where I am at this moment, thought it would be silly to keep putting long and windy goals.
Bite size chunks. That’s the key, for language learning, for life. Just everything.
So I’m bite-sizing it and writing it down, I’m believing it all. Then I’ll do it all like its my daily routine.
I’m make it my daily routine hehe ^^
Well, my monthly routine for the remaining 19 days of this month. Reading. Particularly 세상에 너를 소리쳐! & I know you must be thinking “I’ve heard that before” …but you have…and I’m sorry about that, but, this time its a small goal I’m going to own 🙂
Goal? 3 pages a day for 19 days = 57 pages.
I am not making it unattainable. I am not setting a time for how long I must read. I’m telling myself to read just three pages in a 24hour day.
That is simple. Even for lazy-ass moi 😉 hehe
It begins then…my 19 day reading challenge :3
That was Korean goals ; and I’m only currently learning Korean so no other language to goal-set for this month…but to add more to the goals here goes ^^
Study 2 grammars daily.
Read 3 pages of 세상에 너를 소리쳐! daily.
Translate one tiny little tweet daily.
Try your hardest to write something …without using stuck-record-syndrome vocab.
(basically the things I am used to saying…way too often!)
I can tell you one thing, reading the Big Bang autobiography will be a challenge in more than one way, one for the reading aspect, and two for the sheer fact that I don’t actually like Big Bang.
Like, I am in no way a fan of them anymore, they were my go-to-fangirl-moment when I had totally gotten sick of 용화 😕 now though, I can’t like them ^^
태양 is the exception though, like him, and always will. But in no way am I a “real fan” ㅠㅠ
If I can’t post about how I am reading 세상에 너를 소리쳐! here on the blog, I will post it on my Tumblr and Twitter and random when I feel like a break pictures on Instagram ~ :3
So you can follow me on those sites or just check in when you feel like it :
Tumblr : pretty pictures of manga I can’t draw & 용화 life stalking (:
Twitter : stalking 용화 and random stuff.
Facebook page : Controlled updates *that means I don’t spazz you lol* LIKE <3
Instagram : PICTURE TIME *cheese* well…for my books really. It’s a showcase of how creepy book-obsessed I am :3
xxx my two cents and I begin page one I guess c: have an awesome day, keeping smiling and LOVE!
Hope you will accomplish your goal.
Thanks I’m actually doing it pretty well…. 🙂
This challenge sounds great. 🙂 I think a lot of us have that Big Bang book. XD I started it and then stopped. I might pick up JYJ’s since I like them more. I like Big Bang, but I was never a big fan.
I hope you reach your goals. I’ve noticed that consistency is the key to self-study. Like, the huge golden shining floating key that comes with a full choir singing in Latin. I let myself run around like “wheeeeeeeeee” instead of making small goals, heehee. I should though. (Make small goals. Not run around.)
Thnx. Ya true, I think almost all of us have it, I never planned on getting it till I started to like Big Bang in 2012 or something, but now its a pointless book on my shelf .__. I don’t even like them! Which is odd…but you should pick up the JYJ book then. It would be a good idea :3
I am well on my way, so its both of us hoping, but I have the correct mindset (well…my old mindset back) so I think I will make it and actually get this done. Just being consistent is key right haha. We should all write it down on post-its and tack it all over our studies lol ㅋㅋㅋ
Good luck! You can do it! I had my graduate school paper recently, but I’ve been trying to keep up with Korean as much as I can. I LOVE Big Bang! And Taeyang is my bias <3 I've seen them in concert three times in Japan and I can't wait to see them in Korea once I move. I need to keep going with my grad school studies and study Japanese for the test I'm taking in July… so I am trying to tell myself that Korean isn't my number one priority, but it's good that I can talk in Korean at least a little bit every day. Anyway ^^ 우리 화이팅!! 공부 잘 해요!
Thank you 🙂 good luck on your paper ~ and with school and life its okay to mess it up a little. Taeyang is great, I won’t lie there. 고맙다 잘 할게요. 너도 잘 하세여 ㅋㅋㅋ
I tried something similar in the past, always failed, so now I have no ‘serious’ goals, just play play play. But then, you’re not me, so good luck! I don’t think it’s a good idea to read something too advanced, it’s unnecessarily frustrating and it made me easier to fall into a slump. But then, again, you’re not me. Good luck!
It’s awesome that you have the Big Bang autobiography to focus your motivation, even if you don’t like them any more.
When I was taking Korean language classes here in Korea with a bunch of foreigners (like me) from various countries, some of us did very well, and others (also like me) were really slow to learn. It turned out that the students who learned the fastest, aside from having a background in Japanese or Chinese, were the ones who were into K-Pop and K-Drama. Even if they didn’t like this or that group, they still had a lot of interest in the industry, specific idols, K-Pop news, etc.
That was the big key difference: great Korean learners had something that they truly loved to focus their motivation. Those of us who were slow were just battling through the grammar line by line with some abstract “I want to be good at Korean” goal in mind, but those who learned fast were battling through the grammar because they had something they wanted to *understand* and *express* at the end.
The better you get at Korean, the more precisely you can explain exactly why you’re not interested in Big Bang anymore, and why 태양 is the exception. And the more you want to explain that precisely, the better you get at Korean 🙂
Good stuff!