Really weird thing to say but I was getting really bored of the stuff I had ~I needed more and my packages weren’t arriving fast enough for me ^^ but today finally I was given a little something special. My twochois package arrived.
I was so thrilled. I actually did a little squeal at Courier Connect 🙂
Onto what I got~!!

I finally have my TOPIK Essential 150 textbook…I’ve been wanting it for a very long time, and when I finally bought it I wanted it to arrive like a day before lmao. ~impossible~ but now that I have it I’m so excited.
Had a quick look at it in the car after I ripped open the box…and I must say it looks even better than I thought it would be ^^ 잘 샀어요 ㅎㅎ
넌내반 manhwa book~♥ I’ve mentioned many times how I’ve wanted these books since the day I knew they were going to be released. I have no idea what took me so long….they are amazing. I’ve only just browsed through a couple of pages in the 1st book but I can tell you this I’m in love with this book ~ and I’ll be yacking on and on about it for a long while to come xD
Be prepared ya’ll

Second picture. From the side this time…one thing I want to mention is the size of the books, I didn’t really expect that, it’s quite an unusual shape. Usually books this size are A5 – this doesn’t seem to be. I kind of like the unusual shape though >_<
I haven’t taken the second book out of the plastic that twochois so carefully wrapped it in just yet, hence the glare from the camera ^^
I don’t want to damage it, when I get to reading it I’ll take it out of the bag (:

The theme was 정용화. I’m not even kidding you right now, I have more Yonghwa stuff (~ I am seriously too obsessed with this dude ♥ like I said before it’ll never break lol)
This is the 미남이시네요 1 novel. I also haven’t taken this out of the packet yet…but I know what the first pages look like from the preview I got online :DD hoping to read this soon, maybe in a couple of days, it’s surprisingly easy.
Guess it’s sort of like YA ~ simple and not too complex with poetic lines. Well, none that I know of. We’ll have to wait and see, might be speaking too soon here :p
(suddenly want to watch the drama…again~!!)
Korean stuff ~no other words~ these are supplements from CeCi and Instyle magazine.
It’s a beautiful Cherry Blossom Body Mist and Body Wash (haven’t used the Body Wash) but the Mist is so pretty. The scent is just my style ~ I mean it. My favourite perfume is actually Britney Spears “Fantasy” I like flowery, and girly scents ^^
(I’m a flowery and girly person, with moments of insanity~)
The shampoo looks really nice, smells nice and I’ll try it sometime, when I feel ready to change from what I currently use lol ~ which would be tomorrow if I have time ^^
Finally the eye liner, the colour is so unusual(it’s Green). It’s nothing I would ever buy on my own so I’m curious to try it out, and I bought a little something earlier today and it would match well ~I think~ with this Green eyeliner.
Curiously going to wait till my package arrives then I’ll try the eyeliner.
Isn’t it just the prettiest you’ve ever seen? The minute I saw it I imagined a galaxy full of star and I was floating <3 that’s how beautiful I find the imagery on the notebook.
I want to use it, but it’s too pretty so it’ll stay on my bookshelf where I horde numerous pretty things ^^ too afraid to mess ’em up with my untidiness :p
~xD thanks twohois for the notebook gift~

InStyle ~ got this for the tiny bit of Tiffany inside ^^ she looked lovely btw. And it’s got some lovely reading practice and stuff, I think I’ll look at it often just for something to read.
Marrie Claire ~ got this for JYJ on the cover! And I haven’t even opened it yet, you can see in the photo it still is all nice and safely wrapped in plastic >_<
Vogue Korea ~ Got this for 정용화. There is a pictorial and interview with the rest of the #삼총사 cast- can’t wait to have a look at it soon. Might even try my hand at translating, who knows xD
Again not opened you can still see the baggy it’s in.

A page from #Esquire ^^ I’m sorry the image is blurry I was seriously too excited to even take a good pic. This is actually the best one can you believe. Out of 6 or so D:

And finally the last magazine (~sort of) is CeCi which a seriously awesome magazine. Lot’s of interesting stuff in it, I was reading it just before writing this post actually.
Love it ♥ You will be hearing more about the contents (x you are duly warned x)
These are extras….from Vogue and Marie Claire….just fashion show books and etc not my style but they are pretty to look at so I got them xD
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^_________^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Happy as a mouse with cheese with my book haul ♥ (that is a bad analogy) but that is how I feel. I really needed a pick me up after all these stresses I’ve been having. I won’t be able to delve into everything, I know that, what with exams and etc but still I’ll have time in the car to look at some stuff.
When I chuck it into my bag xD
Anyone have any of these books? If so how do you like them? Also it’s Friday (secret cheer ~~) what are you all doing? I’m going to look over my stuff and then watch some tv and maybe some KNTM (Korea’s Next Top Model) recommended by someone <3
I didn’t know those magazines came with so many extras OMG. I’ve always wanted to read CeCi too. I’m actually planning on buying TOPIK 150 in a couple of weeks. Apparently it covers a lot of intermediate stuff that KGIU didn’t. Wasn’t this box super heavy? I think you probably carried it the same way I would- happy and wadling. XD
Me neither, when I was sent an image of all this I was like “NO WAY. Free stuff too?” bonus :p /ilikeit~!!! And CeCi is a really nice magazine, really like it, a lot (waiting on a second one right now…) You should but the TOPIK 150, it really is amaziiiing, there is even some “Grammar check” thing and some of the stuff that was “intermediate” in KGIU Intermediate is listed as “Basic grammar” that was a super major shock for me, I was like “what???? not intermediate? what am I to expect in this book now?” – Yes, this box was heavy, 10.83KG to be exact xD but it didn’t matter at all, I ran down the stairs and through the car park as happy as can be, the weight did not phase me, that is how excited I was <3
~It was so much fun, have a good day Keisha!!!! (^_^)
Wow a magazine with free stuffs! Great haul~
Hahaha yeah. Thanks…I finally have my 넌내반 (which I loooooooooove) xD
I’m sure you’ll have fun studying with 넌내반 because of 용화의 얼굴 . Been wanting to buy the
미남이시네요 but still have to save for it. And also Ceci magazine. How much is the magazine?
When do you think a korean self learner can be able to read a novel or a manhwa ?
Depends. I would give it a few months to be able to read simple manhwa:)