I was originally trying to do what Korean Vitamin does with the translation of CF’s as a study tool …but….I fell flat on my ass with that one ^^ so I just started watching the Smurf CF like crazy….I know what is that watching a 40sec  my bad it’s actually 16sec…(that’s even worse ㅋㅋㅋ) CF over and over!! Its weird ….but its just too flippin cute ^^

So here it is ^^

Oh and if anyone can tell me what he said I would be so happy!! The speech was too fast I didn’t get all the words!!



    1. I love your blog ^^ no joke …but thanks now I know I really spen like 1 hr on a 16 sec clip and didn’t get a word ^^ Thnx ㅋㅋㅋ But the 1 hr was so entertaining lol

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