I’m so happy!! I feel proud of myself :)

hey y’all long time =( not been very good with the whole Post A Day pledge I made to myself!! But I have not much going on in my life right now so i think I will be able to keep to the promises I give myself =)

a promise made is a debt unpaid

Old daily fortune I know but it was so true I just used Pixlr Grab and now use it as my cell phone wallpaper =) keeps me in track!!

So what have I been up to ~ I’ve been going to Karate like almost without making an excuse that I’m sick or I’m in pain (but seriously I am when I get back home I feel like just dying while listening to GD’s 목소리)

좋은 소식있어요 ~

I got my Yellow belt in Karate today =) Kyaa!! I was shocked that I got it because honestly I have not put much effort into my Karate since the day I started !! But now I am fully going to put all of my strength into in and take it seriously !!

And in other updates of me ^^ I now have a Twitter and FB 🙂 !! And now going to go study Japanese (yeah I finally have the desire to learn more Japanese) then I will post my Korean and Japanese writing on my Lang-8 !!

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