Hi everyone =) I have KakaoTalk now yay!! But I don’t have many people to talk to so if you want to chat then you can add me my ID is leesumin2394 ID is a combination of my Korean name and my birthday =)
That account got deleted by accident ㅠㅠ but my new ID is snow1994
I like snow (but never see it :D) and I’m born in 1994 so its a “fake wish” 😀 to see snow ^^
Add me we can chat and help each other out!! Even if you are just a K-popper so am I so we would be perfect ^^
Nyahaha. I added you on my KKT friends list :))))
Chat in Kakao then 🙂
whats your KKT ID ….my leesumin2394 got deleted ㅠㅠ
Oh! My kkt id is alyalyahh 🙂
Saya sangat suka kakaotalk ini
I add you 🙂 My ID is Kathe511
I added you 🙂
My KKT id is: d0nnab3ll3
Thanks 🙂
Sure!!! My internet is down so it might take a while 🙂
i added you^^
hi~ i added u ^^
네 ^^
안녕^^ Can I add you??^^
My kakao ID: violka23
Yeah of course you can (:
add me sucrammm
Annyeong! can I add you? ^.^
Yes you can 🙂
add me on kakaotalk im new…. “iscarletletter” <———id
Alright 🙂
hi..i added you ^^
Thanks ^.^ and welcome hope to hear more from you 😀