Hey (: Happy Monday! I wish I could be like Garfield and hate Monday’s and declare the week starts on Tuesday ㅋㅋㅋ but I’m just Kay so I can’t do that!

Well anyway I’ve been too busy to even think about my Korean study ..have time for a quickie lesson but nothing really substantial! Just a few episodes of Ask Hyojin and reading and watching a few Korean CF’s as well as using 쥬니어 네이버 App and its a lot of fun (if you don’t mind acting like a baby and I really don’t mind acting like a baby)  I will tell you about that later but right now I have 1 hour till school starts and I still have to get ready HAHA!

And still have to finish my homework in the car! Okay! That’s very very bad!

Oh! I now have SKYPE and you can add me ‘leesumin2394’



  1. 쥬니어 네이버 is great. Have you checked out their 사파리 동영상?
    공부하는 게 중요하지요. 하루에 한 번이라도
    티끌 모아 태산~!

    1. Yeah I have tried it and its fun ㅋㅋㅋ I love it 🙂 yeah every bit of study is significant and important every single day!

      -Thanks for the comment!

    1. Thanks you 🙂 I’m trying really hard to learn it ^^ and thanks I hope you add me your so good at Korean I can learn even more with you ㅋㅋㅋ

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