Yep! I’m going in for the kill and listening to Iyagi 😀 I know it sounds like I’m being way too ambitious but I want to try it out and I have already started with the first one 🙂
I’m actually on page 2 at the moment and I think I will spend 1 week on each one so I fully understand it all but obviously if I need more than a week I won’t rush my progress I will still keep listening to it and highlighting the words I don’t know to look them up in Naver and other sources!
What I have found very useful is Dongsa because even though I know the word knowing the way its conjugated and what that conjugation means can be very tricky for me so having Dongsa can really help me out most of the time for figuring what the conjugation means in the context.
I printed the Iyagi 1, 5 copies of it i think I will need that many because my organisation skills are actually none existent speaking of which I need to learn some!
Anyway I’m going back to my Iyagi homework I have a composition to do 🙂 but I don’t know if I need to do it tomorrow I will be on a bus for 6 hours {that just hit me its such a long time what the hell am I going to do?} So chances of study tomorrow are almost next to nothing!
Big plus is I might get to see my best friend that I have not seen in two years ♥
I usually study/review on the bus. Especially for the past TOPIK exam since I don’t have much time to study. 🙂 Good luck with the iyagi series. I’m just completing the lessons in ttmik for now, I’ll do the iyagi much much laaaaater~
You’ve taken the TOPIK? Must be hard! And yeah actually I am doing both the lessons and the iyagi…but its difficult for still a challenge is good and thanks for wishing me luck 🙂
Yes and no. Yes it’s difficult. But no it you’ll study and prepare for it. I fall on the former category. 🙁
Ha-ha well fact is you’ve taken it 🙂 I want to try and take it next year if I can I think taking a test like that really gives your motivation a boost!
I like looking over flash cards on the train (but if you need to spend 6 hours on a bus that’s an aweful lot of flash cards!). Sometimes I bring my Sogang Books with me and work in the work book instead.
Wow, iyagi, that should keep you busy for a while.
Yeah lol I realized that 6 hours was a really long time and after a few I fell asleep but I did manage to get to page 4 of iyagi 🙂 I’ve always wanted Sogang books ^^ are they good?
Hehe, it sounds like when I plan to study on a plane. I always end up snoozing before take-off. Once I even managed to fall asleep before everyone had boarded so someone had to wake me up to get to his seat. Oops…
To give a quick review: I like the Sogang Books. I think they complement TTMIK quite well because through TTMIK the grammar is really easy to “access” and you learn more about the situations in which to use it, but with Sogang you can then continue to work on a grammar point in the work book and I also use them as a source of new vocabulary. The chapters in Sogang are structured around themes as well as grammar points so they emphasise you learning new vocabulary. If I didn’t have the Sogang books I probably wouldn’t get to practice the grammar the same way because when I have a book, I just solve the problems given until I finish. When I write sentences at Harukorean, I certainly don’t write the equivalent of several pages in a work book. There are answer keys to the listening exercises and the dictation exercises at the end of each chapter. For the rest you can pretty much just look in the student book that complements the work book if you are in doubt of something and you will find the answer.
However: I would like to have a better run through of the oddities related to irregular verbs, and I feel I am missing out on the exercises where you need a partner. But for a book intended for classes I still feel I learn a lot.
I hope that helped give a better impression of what’s in them? 🙂
Hehe! Thats what happens on trips 😀 and thanks hey they sound like really good books I think I’m gonna give them a chance 🙂 I’m going to buy Sogang Books ha-ha. Thanks a lot for the mini review 😀 Awesome!
Any time 😉