Lately I’ve kind of been wondering which is better for note taking when it comes to learning a language, digital or the regular pen and a notebook.
I personally am not a digital note taker I don’t think it sinks it in quite as well as the old way ~ pen and paper does but I’m open to anything that can help me.
The pro’s of the digital world ~
- You always have it with you on the go ~ be honest who forgets they cell ; or iPod? No-one right! Its something that you have always so having all your notes on it is really handy and you can study on the go.
- iCloud! If your using an Apple device or if you’re not just another online storage/back-up system, so your notes are always safe and you can go back to them when you need it…and that’s cool because no-one like it when their notebook is lost, or misplaced ;(
Con’s of the digital world ~
- I can actually find just one ~ Memories when you look back at them it’s just random typing, yes that random typing is your notebook but with learning a language for me I want to see how things like my handwriting evolved over the years I have been studying ~ maybe its just me but I like looking back at the thinks I’ve done 🙂
Now with my regular ‘ole notebook and a pen I can see all this plus when I write things down on paper its much easier to remember 🙂
So verdict is I will stick to my notebook 🙂 yes it takes me longer write it (I type crazy fast) but its better and its a lasting memory on paper for me…:) I’m a very sentimental person so things like that are seriously important to me 🙂
Now that I have made my decision of being a notebook girl I am going to write all of my Iyagi ~ (well its just the first one ha-ha) in my notebook and start annotating it 🙂
I also remember things better when I write it down. But I’m also too lazy to write on paper (blame it to small and poorly positioned desk! – excuses!) since I’m a much faster typist too. I still keep a notebook. And since I hate reading notes on my netbook, I sometimes print my digital notes too. 🙂
Its like the natural way to remember 🙂 Laziness is my biggest problem though LOL! I can get bored…and then write half a page 😀 but still its better so I will do it either way 🙂 and printing the digital notes well that’s a good idea! I actually never even thought of that 😀 might do it! 🙂