I just got two slips from the postman 😀 so happy one is a package from USA and the other UK 😀 the two places I ordered from 😀 Integrated Korean from the UK and 세상에 너를 소리쳐 from the USA (I used HanBooks)

So I have to go and get them 😀 I’m so excited I’m borderline crazy hyper right now 😀

I felt this deserved a whole post 😀

So excited to see my purchases 😀

These are actually my first Korean books I have ever bought 😀 so this is huge for me 😀

omg that’s a lot of smiley faces ^^ I’m just so excited right now ^^

Bye ~


    1. Yeah its weird I know whats it is yet I’m so hyper 😀

      And yeah the Integrated Korean I bought a long time ago (August 28) but it was misplaced so had to replace it 😀 and the other one I got on Hanbooks on the 31st of October so the one from Hanbooks arrived with-in two weeks 😀

      This is exciting LOL ~~

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