Okay so I don’t have the self control time to study Talk To Me In Korean lessons in order ^^
I know it sounds really lazy of me but …I have one more exam to study for and i always feel awful for not studying Korean so I just stick in one or two lessons that I can understand.
Just a few lesson here and there, like I have been using Korean Class 101 for like everything or when I have those “omg, this is so damn difficult” moments ^^
Still I think that I have been doing as much as I can manage don’t want to end up NOT studying at all rather just fit in as much as I can!
And I really get tired ….EASILY so when i can at night for about an hour I fit in my addiction of learning Korean haha ^^
Just a simple update 😀
You shouldn’t feel bad if you are tired and you can’t study for some days in a row.
Sometimes a little pause and relax is the best think so you can assimilate all the things you have studied! Other way your brain will explode for the new things to learn everyday!
Keep up with your study!
Haha ^^ yeah true LOL don’t want an exploded brain haha ^^ i think I will just relax for a while ….with the holiday’s coming up 🙂
Always 😀
Have you finished Iyagi 1? It’s on your countdown widget. ㅋㅋㅋ I don’t follow TTMIK in order, either. I don’t worry about it. The most important thing is to keep moving forward.
Noooooo ㅠㅠ ㅠㅠ that’s why I suck ㅋㅋㅋ so I’m crying like a baby LOL 🙂
I have like just the last page to do 🙂 i think I’ll get round to it this weekend were I plan to relax and study ^_^
Yeah I guess but I always used to follow in order now…..I can’t I never seem to have the energy 🙂 but yeah progress is better isn’t it?