I always wonder the right environment to study in, silence or loud music playing in the background!

I don’t know I’ve tried both LOL and when its total silence I go thirty minutes into my study and start to wonder why its so quiet and …..DEAD! but still honestly when its total silence I do tend to remember what I have learned when I study that way – BUT when I study in a total racket (eg. loud music and my phone going off) I also learn just as well because I’m usually listening to some K-Pop and I’m hearing words that I am learning and its sticking in my mind better ㅋㅋㅋ

I don’t really know what to do – so I’m going to go study while playing Trouble Maker @ top volume 😀 next time I will try some quiet study time see which is a better option for me ^_^


By the way heard this song for the first time on Saturday and its supper awesome! I love it!


    1. 아…진짜? my first song I heard when I fell in love with Korean was the OST song from the 2005 drama Sad Love Story 😀

      응!! 맞아요..이 노래 넘넘 좋아요 😀

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