Omo! This is what happens to me when I become addicted to a Drama, wake up at 3 A.M and watch till 11 A.M and I wonder why my head aches xD

So my drama crack this time is A Gentleman’s Dignity (last time is was Scent of a Woman) and I honestly hate it when I get obsessed with drama’s it really sucks my time and I have no way of controlling it, I just have to watch it ^_^ or I go bonkers!

Drama obsession ~ 신사의 품격


But! I did think of studying while I was sitting motionless on my bed watching the drama xD and a study solution popped right up on the screen ha-ha so convenient ^^

So I got my study with these little messages on the screen ~


Both of those pictures are from the drama ^^ so you see how much fun it is to use as practice for reading plus because the message is being read in the drama you hear it too and you can practice my reading it ^^

There are loads of them in the drama which is fun and then now I’m thinking of other drama’s that have done this and I remembered that there were a few scenes from My Princess where they had the messages like this 🙂 so I’m going to look for those too and others!

But I first have to watch this drama which is sooooo interesting and funny very unique I’m enjoying it a lot xD its my hyper drama talk kicking in ㅋㅋㅋ

Funny scene ^^


Haha! this was funny ~!! Like very very funny ^_^ there are so many but this takes the cup for me! her face and his smirk when he figures what he can get out of it ~!! make her squirm some more haha xD

Oh! My favourite character

김도진 – because he is awesomely wicked xD and wicked is always awesome (in drama anyway xD) and that smirk when there is a situation you can milk something from got me hooked hehe!

Okay going to continue watching it xD sorry I bored you with talk on a drama!!

#happysunday ^^


    1. its totally 대박 you must watch it xD you won’t regret watching I promise you that never a dull moment when your watching it your laughing 99.9% of the time (well…I was anyway haha) plus it really addictive that’s not a good thing but means its good haha 🙂 and your welcome ^_^

  1. 신품 is love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *screams*

    Looks like we have similar taste in drama!

    And yes, the writer-director tandem (Secret Garden, etc) really knows how to make the audience not-stop watching. I also spent sleepless nights when I was “on” 신품 (sounds like a real crack! ㅋㅋㅋ).

    I love 도진 of course!!! I love the 짝사랑 theme. I also love 태산 (but I love 도진 more). I also love 메아리 (seriously, how do you spell her name?). I love them all! But 김도진 is mine (because he is quite similar with my crush)!!!!! I also love the little opening scenes of the 4 of them and their crazy times together! It is a lot funnier to me because I have some ahjussi friends and they are really like them!

    I was in Korea when it was airing and many university students watch this in our dorm. I didn’t watch because I have things to do and I didn’t get to watch it from the beginning. But I also heard people talking about it.

    When I on my peak of craziness with this drama, I flooded my wall with 신품 dialogues, esp of 김도진 because he reminds me so much of my crush. And my crush, apparently, likes this drama too and keeps on commenting on my posts. If only he knows he is my 김도진! ㅎㅎㅎ

    1. Okay haha then I’m a 신품 addict xD and yeah we do have almost identical taste in drama’s 🙂

      Its like a special power that makes me keep going haha just watch watch watch! Non-stop and actually to be honest it was a Korean friend that told me to watch it based on the drama’s I had watched and enjoyed ^_^ and a right recommendation it was I LOVE it!

      I dunno have I reached my peak of craziness! I think I have been writing down what they saying in KOREAN 🙂 you have to love 도진 xD and ahh I have no idea how to spell that girls name haha its like so long 🙂

      And yeah i liked the opening too because usually a K-Drama starts with the last few seconds of the last ep and the change is refreshing and super funny especially that SNSD part ㅋㅋㅋ that Yoon scene too funny I laughed so much xD

      Haha tell him he’s your 김도진 and end your 짝사랑 🙂 and I love that 짝사랑 theme btw 🙂

  2. By the way, did you know that 신품 now have a novel version? I’m still not decided if I’ll buy it. I actually really want to buy it but I still have 3 unfinished Korean novels… so… I dunno… huhuhu

        1. Oh! Thanks but I think I’ll wait till I find a physical copy I prefer it even though its tree-killing xD might get the ebook version just because I want it so bad haha 🙂 it won’t kill me to have an ebook version will it!?

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