Okay so yesterday I spent my day asking about slang’s from my Korean friend and she was really happy to help me so I learned about 행쇼 which is an abbreviation of 행복하십죠!
When using 행쇼 it has the meaning of “Good luck” in the same sense that the word 화이팅 is used! Totally alone 🙂
So everybody 행쇼 with your Korean studies today ^^
I’m really enjoying learning new slang’s its soo much fun 🙂
Have a good day!
oh hey, they used this on Infinity Challenge! I remember learning it from there ^_^ 헹쇼 with your Korean studies too!!
행쇼* oops! hangul typo xP
Haha! That’s alright XD
Yeah I think they did have it on Infinity Challenge ; the episode with GD I think hehe ^^ and thank you ~ same to you 😀