I’m so tired!

That sounds whiny ㅠㅠ I’m not whining ^^

But anyway I always forget the work load when I have been on holiday 🙂 then when school starts I feel like crying because it’s so hard and I’m so lazy! tired!

but now its been a few days and I am used to it again and now my Korean study can begin again ^^


A few days ago I bought another Korean textbook from Hanbooks – “Korean Grammar In Use – Intermediate

which looks a very good series but I was not so certain of its actual contents so went for the higher level book and if it’s a bit too advanced for my level of Korean no worries I can always get the lover level, isn’t?

Last night I filled my Galaxy player with talk to me in korean mp3’s and pdf’s because at lunch time I would prefer to use my time on something other than chit-chat ^^ which I do in class already so rather learn #Korean

And what’s with all these lovely new drama’s playing when I don’t have a second to spare to watch them ㅠㅠ 왜???

Its so unfair ^^ I’m going to land up watching most of them in December like I did with 각시탈 ^^

^^ ~!!






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