The last drama I took a break to watch was Bridal Mask and I enjoyed it ~ it had suspense and drama (duh! its a drama) but what I’m trying to say is all of us I’m sure get caught up in the “I’m so busy time to do anything that needs to get done” mantra, am I right?!

I do it on a daily basis always say how busy I am and I have no time to do anything that needs to get done and then by the time I get the chance to do anything I am “dead tired” and I just wanna sleep -_-

But….for the month of February I won’t ever mention how busy and tired I am or how I don’t have time for things ~ just manage my time correctly and get it all done make provisions for everything and watch drama’s (because I love them) but sadly I have not found any drama that has captivated me like Bridal Mask did …it was the last good drama I watched! School 2013 is good (only on episode 4, though) but I got kind of bored and stopped maybe its due to lack of time I dunno maybe I will watch episode 5 tonight!!

And….just thinking about it now did anyone watch the Big Bang Secret Garden parody?

대성’s part when he goes :

smell relax ……너도 smell!!

I’m going to smell….relax 😀

That was a funny part hahaha (they were all funny though :D)


  1. I loved Gaksital, one of the best drama’s of last year. Maybe you should try Reply 1997. I really liked that one aswell. Something totally different but still very very good.
    And BB Secret Garden parody is hilarious! Seungri as Oska XD

    1. 맞아요!!! And OMG when it comes to Reply 1997 I wanna cry I had all the 1080p files and then they disappeared off my hard-drive ㅠㅠ But I will watch it still when I have time 😀

      Oh yeah that was hilarious XD

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