Its raining 😀 great!!!
Right now I have a 300 word essay to write and I have only written about 7 words of that ….so that leaves *does math in head* 293 words I can’t think of right now ^^ and I can’t think of those words because I’m not even looking at my school books right now ^^ NO! I decided early this morning at about 5 am that my Korean books and lessons needed me much much more today (:
I’m actually lying about that (:
honestly I just don’t want to do it would much rather focus on my Korean rather than sit here thinking of my English essay ㅎㅎㅎ it does not seem as fun as studying Korean is (: and this is a regular occurrence in my life LOL I have a pile of school work that I know must be done by Monday but I just feel drawn to Korean like a crazy person 😀 its the Korean language love!!!!
Nothing more!
Tell me you know what I mean!?
Ha-ha! Anyway have a good weekend and study lots and lots 😀
주말 잘 보내세요 (:
I totally understand and that’s why I stop learning Korean for a well. -_- After going back on your blogs last week pushed me to find a Korean tutor and now I’m learning Korean again. Just have to learn to control wanting to study Korean all the time, because it can ge a little crazy. hehe
Haha! yeah sometimes though I think that if I ever stopped learning Korean I would never start again >< because then I would feel like I can go on and off again!!! not a good idea 🙂 but I am so glad for you that you got a Korean tutor (: good call its hard to slack when you got a tutor to watch over you (:
Nah, keep the crazy study going 😀 화이팅!!!!!!!!