Hey 😀

Today its a “rest day” as I had called it but now I think I don’t want to rest because honestly I can’t because I just watched the variety show “땡큐” the episode with G-dragon ^^ and I am so irritated and annoyed at the fact that I understood roughly 30% of the Spoken and Written Korean in the show ㅠㅠ

This won’t do ~ this problem must be rectified….

So I’m going to set up a little to-do list for just today : 30/3/2013

Go back and do everything I did from the very beginning ^^ but today just a few things because I’m too angry at my Korean….!!!!!!!!


  • Listen and read one 이야기 (145) and analyze
  • Level 3-4 on TTMIK (because I think I forgot it all T^T)
  • Try out the Intermediate Level on K-Class 101 just for listening practice
  • Look for more resources online to try out ~
  • Actually get round to recording a MLR (Monthly Language Report)
  • Read some Korean out loud for pronunciation practice
  • Focus on Korean Grammar in Use

Okay that seems enough to do in one day 😀 I still have a lot of  #schoolwork to get done but I will do that in due time ㅋㅋㅋ

Oh! and my music playlist today is going to be wordless ~ and what I mean by that is I am only listening to five (5) instrumental K-pop songs which is now named “BB Instrumental Study playlist”  because when I listen to the words I just land up singing the song and not studying ^^;; and I dunn wanna do that!!!!!! So here they are :

  1. Fantastic Baby
  2. Blue
  3. Bad Boy
  4. Tonight
  5. Cafe

In that order actually ^^

So let me get to work!!!

PS : I adore the Blue track :p it’s absolutely perfect!!!!!!!!




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