Probably nothing new at all but lately I have been trying to read more often and sometimes reading and translating articles is actually sometimes boring for me ^^ so I like more of a story, something I can follow, and then now happy me 🙂 has these lovely NAVER Webtoon Novels


So far as I can see there is actually a lot of Novels to choose from ; a whole range of genres to choose from although the range is not as wide as the Webtoon section but it’s still good ^^

I have already chosen two Webtoon Novels to read (: have no idea how good they are but I hope I like the stories, I did try and choose novels that had not gone too far (early on in the series) so I can either catch up or just follow along weekly for the rest of the series!!

My choices (so far) are :

  • 복수의 탄생
  • 헬로우 웨딩

[Horror and Mystery] Just two for now (: okay 복수의 탄생 I think based on my translation (please don’t take it as accurate) is “Birth of Revenge” and at the moment there is only one novel of the series posted and I assume (based on little reading) that the next instalment of the novel is released next week Monday and by next week Monday I will be all done reading this one!!! I hope 😀

birth of revenge

So I will be reading that novel series today ^^

[Romance] My second choice is 헬로우 웨딩 and thankfully the title is actually really simple ^^ “Hello Wedding”  I think its correct, but on this one there are a little more instalments of the novel series…so more reading for me to catch up ..all 23 of them (: will have to read a bit faster (with notes obviously)

hello wedding

I have already added them to my favourites in NAVER so I never miss an episode, wouldn’t want that to happen ㅎㅎㅎ


I really love the promotional photo for “Birth of Revenge” reminds me so much of 각시탈 ^^


Are you reading any Novels? Which ones?

Leave your opinions ^^

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  1. 우아~! 구마워요 케이이! I’ve been wanting to read some more webtoons for a while but I didn’t ever have time to find any 😀 maybe I’ll give one of these a try^^

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