Oh! Wow I just realized that I have been doing one thing since I got HaruKorean four days ago 🙂 and that is just making sentences in my notebook and working on HaruKorean ^^ which is great but it kinda means that I have not learned anything that calls for “research” like I usually do but hey it doesn’t really matter, does it?

I don’t really think so, haha!!!

But anyway I have been a bit addicted to HaruKorean since I got it and I don’t think it’s wearing off because first thing I did this morning was log-on to my account and start some new lessons ~ and there are so many lessons 😀 although I have a few favourite series that I make so I do all the time (until there is no more to do!!!) but I now have a measure of how much practice I need ^^

so far....!!! I'm top ranked ^^
so far….!!! I’m top ranked ^^

Korean Dictation This exercise is so cool 😀 I love it and it’s actually one of my strengths I have discovered my Korean listening is actually way better than anything else…!!! Which is a plus 🙂 I have done all of the short and almost half of the medium ones, now I know that “Short” is really simple for me though 😀

Mini Dialogue These are like mini little lessons with spoken Korean using a particular grammar point of a specific lesson 🙂 which is great when you just wanna reinforce something and you can easily by listening over and over again with the dialogue ^^

So many things on HaruKorean which I will review later 😀 its just so freaking great <3 but I need to cool off on it though so back to my other forms of study just for a little while ^^ like translating that Interview in Vogue Girl and cleaning up the finished translation of SBS News article

Everyone have a good weekend 🙂

#HappyStudies <3


  1. Yaay… you’re number 1! Congrats! I wonder can you ask grammatical questions on Haru Korean? Can you make your own 자유 작문 like Lang8? Or you have to stay on topic?

    1. Yaay 😀 Thank you but I think today since I won’t log-on I will drop to number two or (the bottom!!!) You can’t really ask grammatical questions they seem to be setting up a grammar page but right now its empty so maybe soon I dunno ^^ You can’t make 자유 작문 on the regular lessons but there is a “Masters Lounge” in each level and there you can write any sentences long or short on whatever you want there is no topic to follow 🙂

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