I dunno what to name this post -_- so how about that super plain title because my imagination is rubbish, haha!!

Well I was chatting to my Korean friend and she asked me if I knew the word 멍청이 and obviously I have heard of it before many times but didn’t know that proper usage of it before (who to use it with, how to use it, if its polite or impolite in certain situations) so I asked about those kind of questions and its pretty simple like all things to do with Korean it’s who you said “it” to and “how” you say it to somebody that creates the kind of impression you were looking for (or not looking for!!)

So 멍청이 like 바보 both mean “idiot” but more in a joking way 🙂

Playing around with friends can warrant the usage of the word 멍청이 which is actually in my opinion a lot more fun to say than 바보 ^^ its just my personal opinion but I would rather say 멍청이 instead of saying  바보 you can add more AEGYO to 멍청이 ^^

What do you think?

Which do you prefer?



    1. Hahaha! Nah I actually like this word more than 바보 because if you do it with a smile and super cute voice it sounds so cute and playful <3 in a joking way ^^

  1. Do you watch appa eodiga ?
    I heard it once when I watch the show. Junsu said 멍청 바보 to Taksu (both of them are Lee Jonghyuk children) 🙂

      1. Yes, both 멍청 and 바보 were used together
        When I watched the show again actually he said 바보 멍청이. That means ‘stupid idiot’ :p

    1. Really. Well you can say that 멍청이 and 멍청하게 are the same thing since the -하게 part has just changed it from stupid to stupidly 🙂 I dunno that seems to make sense xD

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