Today I am really really tired 😀 but I am just glad that my work load on #schoolwork has now decreased with me tests done and everything 😉 and I can study more Korean because in the last few weeks all I have done that involves “Korean study” is practice when sending Kakao messages ㅋㅋㅋ which is not much practice when all you land up saying is :-
지금 진짜 바빠 ㅠㅠ 미안해 나중에 연락해 ~ even put in a shortcut to just type “busy” and then the whole sentence would pop-up ㅎㅎㅎsaving me a whole lot of energy, haha!!
So even though today I am tired like crazy…I know tomorrow I will be able to study as much as I want and maybe even read some more grammar terms in Grammar In Use tonight if its not too late before I go to bed (it’s already 11pm right now so I dunno, lol) or just read some Naver webtoon novels 😉
PS : going to stare at pics of Yonghwa (CNBLUE) that some kind somebody sent me 😉