Hey ^^ I have been so busy lately that I didn’t have a lot of time to do many things 🙁 but anyway I have some news so I am going to share it here, my previous post was a guest post by 1Choi from the online Korean store twoChois.com who have also very generously sent me a Korean textbook to review (currently waiting for it) I was given the choice of choosing the book I wanted to review and since I have always wanted to try the Yonsei series but most of the online stores where I buy my Korean books have them but at a very high price (most $35-40$) per book I found that a bit too much especially since I don’t really know if the books are that good in the first place, but now at least I will get to see the book and make a decision on whether the Yonsei books are worth their extremely steep price tag or not (: and if they are I will be buying more!!!
I chose the Yonsei 4-1 because I don’t know how high the levels are but 4 seems like it is enough for me to handle but also a challenge enough, I’m not sure but I guess I will see soon what its like (hopefully soon!!)
In the meantime I have found myself addicted to SHINee’s new song “Why So Serious” after I watched it on Music Bank last week (: 멌이는 남자
끝 ….나중에 봐요 ㅋㅋ~
TwoChois contacted me, too. I’ll shop there if they really send me the book, since no one ever wrote a review about the store. The site looks good, though. ^^
It does look really good doesn’t it 🙂 I have my PayPal issue but I’m sure I can get around it 😀 which book did you choose?
Yonsei 4 is super hard!!! My friends who get Topik 4 certificate have just finished Yonsei 3. ^^ Anyway, it’s a really interesting textbook ^^ P/S: Two chois bookstore is so awesome !!!
Haha! I just realized that Yonsei 4 is crazy hard but hey its a challenge and I love challenges I just hope it won’t make me burn out 🙂 and yeah totally they are awesome I agree *high five*