Hey ^^ 오랜만이에요!!!! 모두 잘 지냈어요??!!!

Lately in the last few days I haven’t updated my blog ^^ sorry about that buts its because I don’t really have 24/hr Internet access right now….something up with my ISP ^^;; probably have to make a switch which might take a bit of time 호호호

Everyone be happy!!! 모두 행쇼

한국어 열심히 공부해요!!!! ㅎㅎㅎ

And have a look at this picture ~ my family and I found this little baby bird outside our house and we took care of her/him but sadly yesterday afternoon she died ㅠㅠ I am sad about that ~ 슬프다

We named her Rose!!!

안녕히 계세요!!!

PS: if you have sent me messages/emails or comments sorry I will reply as soon as possible 🙂




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