하이!!!! Today is actually a holiday here ^^ which is great have been dying for just a rest day to do what I want how I want and when I want (:

So today I want to study some Korean and Chinese equally with the same attention ^^ I have Bilology homework but Korean sounds much more interesting 호호호 한국어 공부 화이팅!!!!

To-do list for today!!!

1. Learn some (more) idioms
2. Practice pronunciation of Chinese (working on tones)
3. Create a new notebook layout!!!
4. Try and contact the UK post office ^^

It’s short and doable ^^

좋은 하루 보내세요!!!!


Random photo of tree 🙂 예뻐?! 열심히 공부해요!!!! 화이팅!!!


  1. Are you learning mandarin? If so that’s awesome! I definitely want to study mandarin after korean, it just seems so majestic and it sounds so adorable! How far along are you in chinese? :]

    1. Yeah I am ^^ slowly though because it honestly is very difficult for me mostly because of the language switches (my native English) to Chinese 😀 and I agree its a magical language it sucks how hard it is but I won’t let that get me down!!!! Keep going 🙂 and I am extreme beginner (just Pinyin knowledge) and some basics ~!!!!

      Thanks for the comment and I look forward to more from you ~

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