Time flies….when your not having fun!

Hey! Its Saturday today, right?? Seriously I had forgotten 🙂 ahh! But it really has been a long week have had time, yes, I have studied lots but still things are hectic ^^ finallly I am almost halfway through Yonsei 4-1 and when I am done I am getting 3-1 to 4-2 cos I totally love love Yonsei books even thinking right now of when/ hat fine day I go to Korea comes of maybe going to Yonsei University (: they methods seems really good to be honest ^.^ and it would be one hell of an experience haha!! Really.

Cool thing though my CNBLUE album finally arrived on the 2nd of this month and although I was really excited to llisten to all the songs I didn’t want to listen to eveything all at once so I waited till the 3rd and then listened to one song ‘Coffee Shop’ then played that like 70 times before moving on to track number 3 ^^ loved Coffee Shop by the way ~

Oh! Remember my previous post on having a more linguistic approach to things, well I stock piled a list for myself and now I am starting to pick books to read keke ^^

Blogging from a phone is hard lol xD well especially my phone 🙂

that’s it! My two cents of the hour I have another post prepared 🙂 for later!!!


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