Okay! So I’m learning Chinese only “normal” for me to want to have a Weibo account 😀 only I didn’t anticipate how !@#$%^&* hard it would be to create one (: but here is my first tutorial on anything 😀 apart from one I made for @skrzacik34 cos she asked me too!!
So here is a tutorial on how to create one ^^
Step 1 – Open Sina’s Weibo page
Step 2 – Click the BIG RED which I assume means “sign-up” because it takes you to the sign-up page ^^
Make sure you are on the first tab “个人注册” that’s the one for individuals 😀 you can see its underlined in the about screenshot!
Step 3 – Fill out all the details that you are asked for ~ which is 邮箱 (E-mail) 设置密码 (Password) 昵称 (ID/ Nickname) then the last box is your verification code ^^ then finally click the BIG ORANGE BUTTON (which is “submit”)
Please note that there is a way to register using your mobile number if you don’t have an email address ^^ you have to click the “blue” link below the bar where you would add you email address and then from there the process is virtually the same!
Step 4 – After hitting the ORANGE BUTTON you will be prompted with a pop-up for your Location ; Phone number once you fill all those details in that order and the code that has been sent to your phone ^^
Finally you will have created your Weibo account successfully (screenshot below)

You will receive an email to the address you provided and all you have to do is click the link to verify your account and you are ready to go 😀
Now you can choose between 1-5 things that interest you 😀 after you have verified it ^^

Hope this helps anyone who is creating a Weibo account with nada knowledge of Chinese I am so beginner that even this was a little hard for me but easier than I expected it to be 😀 if you have any troubles then leave a comment I will try to help you out 🙂 oh!
Here is the link to my account http://weibo.com/u/3269149835 |ID is :- jiayoudrama|
i cant create my weibo, i dont have chinese phone u–u, im from chile, please, help
Yesterday, instead of doing the studying I planned, I set up a Naver account. I have only 4 hours of classroom training, and here I am on web pages written entirely in Korean … so not prepared! I print screens everything and will add it to my list of “things to study”. Plenty of new vocabulary.
Aww haha well that must have been fun!! ^^ you aren’t self taught but have taken classes? 🙂