hanmisoo’s post about Korean words used accidentally with friends ^^ was cute so here is my list 🙂

I am constantly using Korean words/phrases with friends and family ^^ and slowly they have begun to understand my words even people who don’t live with me (home!) ask me “what does that word mean?” because I say them so much its noticeable even in a short period of time 😀

Which is cute makes me a bit different from others who just say “shit” at everything I replaced some  of my “shit” moments with “아! 진짜” moments

Recorded the words below ^^

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/101248508″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Here is my list:

아! 진짜





난 괜찮아!

하지마라 ~ (notice how I usually pronounce this word with the end -마라 because it sounds much better with my voice its 사투리 I think!!)

그만해 (when  people tease me! I like to tell them to stop or just get lost ^^ haha I’m actually kinda violent sometimes)

이게 뭐에요? (but then if I’m being anti-social I will whisper to myself 이게 뭐죠?)




어디 가?



Those are the ones I use almost daily ^^ non-stop!!! This was fun! What’s on your list?


  1. I don’t think the -마라 is 사투리, I think it is just to make the sentence sound more demanding^^

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