“세상에 너를 소리쳐!” 읽어 있어요 ㅋㅋㅋ
I have read 17 pages 😀 that’s obviously not much in two days but I didn’t have time a deadline has just popped up!!
No. I knew the deadline was there it’s just gotten a million times closer HAHA!!!
So I have more than enough school work to do ~ but, studying Korean proves a million times more fun that school work 🙂
my vocabulary is getting better so I can say more and more and MORE with all the grammar I am learning every 20 minutes (if I have time) LOL ^.^
어휴! 저 오늘 한국어 공부 많이 하니까 몸이 안 좋아요 ㅠ.ㅠ but I don’t mind because I learn’t a lot today ^^
I am tired now 😀 something that makes more sense it tomorrow when I am not typing in the dark hahahahaha!!! ^^ my eyes are really heavy now ~ ^^

These days I like taking pretty photos 😀 I took this one of a tree at the front of my house (Aqua filter) 예쁘죠?
나중에 봐요 ~ 🙂
What a beautiful sky! (Here in Seoul, cloudy everyday….)
Such a heavy schedule, study Korean every 20 minutes!
무리하지 마세요- 🙂
읽어 있어요 -> 읽고 있어요.
Haha! It’s cloudy and cold today though ㅠ.ㅠ today I don’t have time so I was studying a lot to make up for it 😀
Oh! Thanks for the correction 🙂
Hi! Where did you get your book?I’m looking for that book online but it seemed they stopped publishing it.
I got mine on Hanbooks but I just checked the link (http://www.hanbooks.com/shouttoyouin.html) and it’s not there ㅠ.ㅠ maybe you should try G-Market or Twochois.com I’m not sure maybe one of them has it ^^
Thank goodness twochois has it. I ordered it and thank you for suggesting the site. I got to know twochois from you. Thanks.
I’m glad ^^