Coffee filled…night

안녕 ♥

My previous post needed to be “replaced” 😀 having that as my most recent post just makes me sound like a very crazed and deranged person hahaha!!!

I’m still on the coffee though but not because I need to stay awake but because I am freezing cold at the moment D: it’s very cold here at the moment no rain or anything but the temperature is low ><

So I am sitting in my Study at my desk with a blanket on me just to keep warm enough but not too warm that I fall asleep. With my cup of coffee ^^ I can’t afford to fall asleep right now, I have an enormous amount to get done (working on a Character Sketch) and I have just until about 10am tomorrow morning ~ its 12am right now ㅋㅋㅋ don’t even ask me why it took me this long to actually get round to writing it!!! The answer is a simple one LOL you might figure it out ^^

Actually typing this post on my little “break” just need some rest time and thought of updating the blog haven’t had a coherent post in a long time I have either been too tired or simply a little high on caffeine and Action-RPG games to even type two sentences that make sense to a normal human being ^^ when I read some of that stuff I wonder to myself “wth where you doing Kay? Yikes.”  although so far I am certain I am making sense! Am I right? Hope so. Been writing a lot of literature which calls for perfect and mistake free grammar and wording, which means that it’s still in my system to type like I am writing something formal not like I am a 12-year-old texting her best-friend HAHA!!

Which is my usual modus-operandi when I am tired and its late at night 🙂 I don’t know why I do that. Mentally I turn into a 12-year-old. Or am I already a 12-year-old mentally? I’m confusing myself with that one actually ^^

Okay. I have said enough on that…now let me say a few things before heading back to my school work!!! More like a mini-update than a few things to say OK.!!

Korean I feel like I am in the ‘right’ place with this very dear language!!! I have struggles as can be expected with the route of learning I have chosen (I will tell you more on that in a later post!!) but I can feel and see my progress and its making me smile from ear-to-ear with happiness ^^ I feel like shouting it from rooftops preferably in 한국어 ㅋㅋㅋ

Can I say I am proud of myself with out sounding like an ass? I’m not really sure. Although I am sure I can, because its not being rude or arrogant just being honest with everyone. 🙂 You can give me an idea on that LOL

Chinese Ummh! This needs an update only for one reason. Call me stupid. Call me ambitious whatever but I have decided that even with my minimal knowledge of the Chinese language (and minimal it is!) I am going to buy a Chinese novel in Simplified Chinese obviously! I think its reasonable because I want to read something in Chinese and I know I can do this no matter how long it takes me I can do this on my own I am certain of it ^^ I have decided on the book already (its inexpensive too. at about 17$) its a popular one so maybe when I get it. Not sure when. Won’t chicken out though, but its will be a few weeks, maybe some of you readers here that have Chinese as a first/ near native language can help me out I would appreciate that very much ^^

K-Horror One more! Earlier this evening I watched a Korean horror movie called “Into the Mirror” and damn it was freaky hahaha! I’m serious. The plot was about this crazy woman who has been murdered by [Director CHOI] and stuffed into a mirror in the department store where she worked. Now all this time people think she has died in a fire a year prior to all this, the mysterious deaths, but her sister who is a mental patient and also creepily her twin insists that “my sister is still here” claiming she is in the “mirror” obviously no-one will believe her. Would you? Don’t think so. But the HEAD of Security (Woo Young-min) actually kind of does. He helps her out only to discover the end that this girl is not crazy. That is about all I can explain without sounding lost XD

I guess that-is-that 🙂 I have now run out of coffee D: won’t get another because to be honest I am just too damn lazy to get it myself and my sister fell asleep about an hour ago does not seem humane or fair to wake her up just to make me a cup of coffee so- I go without it I can survive I think!

PS :- I am still a little scared of mirrors after that Horror movie to be honest 😀 it seems silly but I really feel weird ^^ my mind playing random tricks on me!! and I am alone in my study. Everyone is asleep. This does not help my situation (:

Everyone have a good day ^^ bye. A Thank-you to everyone that has liked my Facebook page now up to 221 likes 🙂 so cool. 고마워요 친구들 ….사랑해용 ㅋㅋ ♥♥♥

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