Does that post title make you wonder about the nature of this post? ^^ it’s about my new word I learnt on Saturday and why I like it so much ㅎㅎ

On Saturday I was looking at an old App I had on my iPad about Korean sounds and stuff like that ^^ then I came to the sound for 다 and  the example was 달콤달콤 아이스크림 and I had no clue what this “double” 달콤달콤 was!! Really ^^ so I looked it up and found it means “sweet ; saccharine flavored ; honeyed” plus more but you get the picture that it means “sweet”  🙂

So the sentence was basically “Sweet ice-cream”  ㅎㅎknew the ice-cream bit just not the “sweet” bit ^^

Its a cute word and slowly I am using it very often the other day I had something sweet (a smoothie) I said 달콤달콤 in a very unnatural way though hehehe!!! >< but I know what it means so pronunciation and intonation will get better with time 😀 ~~

….But 달콤 can also be used to describe different things being sweet ^^ such as “love” I personally don’t know a sweet love beyond my cat Midnight…which sounds very creepy I bet, but still its a 달콤한 사랑 to me hehe ^^ and it also another thing l like about this word it can be used to describe many things as sweet its not limited to food…that would be boring don’t you thing 😀

Right now I am eating my 달콤한 초쿨릿 and it is very sweet probably going to make me a little sick ㅠ.ㅠ don’t care it tastes good when I eat it ㅎㅎㅎ

Have a good day ^^


  1. this reminds of the word 알콩달콩, which I’ve heard many times but never really looked up the meaning. I guess I’ll have to look that up now ㅋㅋㅋㅋ.

    1. I just looked it up 😀 not in the dictionary ㅎㅎㅎ but the word sounds cute anyway hahaha ^^ its left me curious though i must find out what it means (offtoinvestigate) and thanks for the comment 🙂

      1. yeah it wasn’t in the dictionary so i had to google it, the meaning is something like really charming and cheerful. the description said something like 부사 : 아기자기하고 아주 즐거운 모양 which is so cute ^^

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