If your here then it means you found me…again 😀

Hey guys ^^ hope you have found your way here to the new blog (koreannotebook.com) I am new at this WordPress.org software and although all the hosting sites say its One-Click Install it is a bit of a challenge (well! it was more due to my lack of knowledge) I thought it would be sign-up ; log-in and just click a big button to install ‘WordPress.org’ blogging software but I had to register for an account with a different site and then use that ~ its like a marketplace (kinda like iTunes or Android App Marketplace) then install the WordPress 😀 from there though I understood what I was doing and it was all GREAT and FUN and well if I can be super honest with you FREAKING AWESOME <3 playing with new features I have never seen before and experimenting and what-not ^^ making it my own reflecting everything and also what I wanted from the beginning more control and security with the blog (:

I have that all now ^^

Anyway, its almost all done I have left the WordPress.com blog open (mykoreannotebook.wordpress.com) because maybe some people won’t know to come to the new blog. Or would it be better if I just closed it and then there would only be one blog? I actually am not sure what the best decision for that one is, but like I said in the last post I will maybe leave it open for a few months for everyone to know about the move then make it ‘private’ which is less confusion for everyone hehe!! Oh, and less for me too xD

Okay, well this would be counted and post number one (#1) on the new blog hehe! I’m really enjoying this its COOL for me this is my first time having this. I can tell you guys there will be lots of changes because I don’t really know how to use this WordPress.org thingy-ma-bob yet ; well just the basics I got them round. Themes, one plug-in and how to edit my profile, that is about it everything else I am still figuring out out slowly-slowly and enjoying the journey. There are still a lot of things to learn I have a short list actually of things to learn with this new blog ^^

  • how to install the Facebook LIKE plug-in
  • look for more themes (this one is just one I picked real quick)
  • see what other plug-ins are available ~
  • fix the sidebar because it took everything out of its original place, the subcategories are now their own categories (irritating! ><)
  • figure out how to use publicize (uh. Google will teach me hehe!)
  • Generally just learn more about this new system ^^

Very short list right? Its good though means I don’t have a lot to do (yeah! being lazy right now) its because of #school right now I have a lot of homework and things to piss me off further haha, lucky there is Korean books and things to study to make me feel ‘better’ when I feel a little bit stressed with everything else. Korean study is fun #random

Also please remember that all updates will be on this blog ONLY the other blog will not be updated anymore, everything is right here 🙂 How does the new blog look to you though, hope you like it ~ I am personally enjoying the new look. Leave a comment <3


  1. 축하해! Personally, I thought it was Hangukdrama because the theme is the same XD I thought I got the wrong link. Silly me. But it’s neat~ I like it. 😀 Enjoy your new home~ Though it’s sad that I won’t be able to see updates through my WP Reader anymore~

    1. 고마워요! Is it the same? I didn’t know I usually read those posts in my email lol never on the blog ㅎㅎ that’s a funny coincidence XD No its all the right me ~ thank you its ‘new’ to me at the moment though lol!!! Aww but you will still get them in your email or RSS feed 🙂

      1. ㅎㅎ Sorry for that. XD I was just really shocked at the coincidence that I had to double check. XD I already followed your blog. Looking forward to more inspiring posts! 😀

    1. That’s what I will do then xD ~ and email subscription (the box in the sidebar) and then because its still wordpress it will appear in your reader as normal 😀

    1. Thank you 🙂 and it feels, how can I say it! Different and yes it does seem somewhat more prominent and little more ‘personal’ and you can just do whatever you want it! 🙂

  2. Hey Kay! This is Angeli of meloncreme.wordpress.com. I just checked my social networking sites after so long. I’m glad you notified me. :3 I have a self-hosted wordpress blog too. I’ve had it for years but I only use it to blog about random things in life particularly fangirling. Haha! Anyway, if you need help, let me know. I’m not an expert with self-hosted WP blogs but I’ll do my best to help you out since I’m already familiar with it.

    1. Hi Angeli! Sure and I didn’t know you had a self-hosted site I’m glad to now it xD Hahaha well since I have taken the steps and gone self-hosted this blog will probably contain everything from Korean studies and fangirling and just my very boring life (omg!) if you’ve been using WP on self-hosting for years and you still have it then that makes you an expert because there are still things I don’t know how to do ~ so I will as if I am ‘lost’ 🙂 thanks for the comment!

      1. I’ve been blogging since 2007 but I kept moving from one blogging platform to the other. I’ve tried it all from Xanga to Blogger to WordPress to a self hosted WordPress. I prefer self-hosted WP tho because I just like that I have full control over my site, especially the design. I used to make my own layouts for my blogs and I hate WP.com for not letting me have my way with my blog’s design. Haha! My domain is about to expire this month and I have to pay for it soon. LOL! Where is your blog hosted?

        1. Woah! long time xD I don’t even know what Xanga is ㅠ.ㅠ this is my first (as you know!) so that is the one thing I do like is the control I have over my site even though I don’t know much of it xD I’m using Bluehost because it was the only one I knew of and none seemed to know about the reputation of the others ㅠ.ㅠ I have another year till I need to pay up might change where it is hosted if someone can recommend a different host ~ where is yours hosted? 🙂

          1. I miss making my own layouts for my self-hosted blog. I’ve been feeling lazy to code and design a layout so I just used a premade one instead. I use Bluehost too. I paid for 2 years worth of hosting. I still a year more before I have to renew my contract with them. I think I’m going to stick with them since I haven’t encountered any problems while being hosted with them. I used to just look for free hosting but the ones I know of have closed down already or their services just suck so I stopped using them.

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