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안녕하신교! ~ Hello (Kyeongsando Satoori) There is more at the bottom of the post xD ~
Was looking more into aspects of 경상도 사투리 (Kyeongsangdo Satoori) I really like dialects of anything because it makes the ‘place’ with the dialect unique and fascinating to me, for this one I have a strong interest in it because guess who is from 부산? Yes. My ultimate who-I will-never-meet in my life bias 정용화 (Jung Yong-hwa) ㅋㅋ
That means that for me satoori, particularly this one was always on the table ㅎㅎ I have now learnt thought that there are many many different dialects but of course this one is the most popular! I wonder why though it can’t just be because of a movie ; a movie called ‘Friend’ (친구) 2001 seemed to have popularized the dialect more and then more recently it seems the drama 응답하라 1997 (Reply 1997) which I haven’t finished watching yet ㅋI also think that maybe its because of where they are situated. Its close to Seoul if the map serves ~ and they just sound like gangsters lol xD they do its such a weird dialect the tones and everything can confuse to hell! ^_^
….or might just be me its confusing HAHA!
Because of the extremely harsh tones of this satoori there are things like “female” and more “manly” ways of saying things so the women don’t land up sounding like very very ‘violent’ women xD
Lets look at them now ~
- Hello in Korean is standard with an 안녕하세요 used in most situations, but in satoori it changes and becomes a little hard to pronounce (…for me maybe >_<) and changes to 안녕하심니꺼 (with the 꺼 stressed)
- 쌤 ~ 선생님 [teacher] like I said in the audio blog I used to hear it all the time and I knew what it meant just wasn’t sure of where it came from xD and this has got to be my ‘new’ favourite word to use all the time when I want to refer to someone who is a teacher/or older than me who happens to help sometimes I find it very cute ^_^
Anyway. There is more in the audio so just click play <3 hope you enjoy it and any feedback is greatly appreciated 😀 so leave a comment! 🙂
As a person botn in Busan, I was quite a shock that Seoul people had subtitle when the movie 친구 hit Korea.
사투리, 그렇게 어렵나요? ㅠㅠ
Wow! You were born in Busan? That’s so cool xD Haha I am not surprised they had subtitles its a little bit difficult to understand this 사투리 ㅠ.ㅠ
네! 많이 어려워요 ㅎㅎ
I love dialects too, especially the 대구 dialect (lived there a couple years, and my wife is from there, though she doesn’t have a strong dialect). I haven’t yet learned to distinguish the 경남 / 부산 dialect from the 경북 / 대구 dialect very well, though I should…
Well, one reason the Gyeongsang dialects are popular may be size, since it’s the largest / most populous region outside of Seoul, and it was also developed earlier than other regions… so they seem to have more confidence in their region / dialect. Even young people proudly use 사투리 in Daegu, though not the full-blown 사투리 that you hear older people use. Whereas in 충청, where I am now, most young people are ashamed of the dialect… it has kind of hillbilly connotations, and using it makes you seem slow and naive. So I mostly only hear older people use it.
Satoori is awesome 😀 I have never heard the 대구 dialect before so I will look for it ^^ yeah the population of people in that area is more dense so that would probably be the more ‘real’ speculation xD I don’t think people should be ashamed of the dialects that are native to them they are a unique part of their heritage and they should take the opportunities and share them, maybe then they will learn to appreciate it ^^ its sad to think they hate something some people love about them!!! Oh well ~
Thanks though for telling of so many different dialects I will look at those satoori you mentioned they seem so interesting ㅎㅎㅎ