#dumpingground of my current thoughts and my anger! I can’t even guarantee you any coherence in this post ><
Okay ~ so registered for exams a few months back (right? most of you that have read past posts know that I had an exam in November!) when I registered I was told to come first week of September to collect my entry slip to write the exam. That’s cool right? I went the first week of September and the lady at the front desk told me the slips where not even out yet and I should come back the following Monday, my Mum thought it best t wait another week to make sure they have them, this morning a friend of mine told me she had collected her slip!
So naturally I thought “Okay! they are out lets go get mine” just about 30 minutes ago I went to the College where I registered to collect my slip.
Let me break down what happened because if I typed it it would take up 10 pages I am so pissed off right now ><
- walked into the reception office and asked “Afternoon. I’m here to pick up my exam entry slip”
the lady was really kind and asked me to hold on just a few seconds and then she was back and took the ‘paper’ I had when I registered and the receipt. Immediately though when the lady at the front desk took the ‘paper and receipt’ I had she asked this one question that literally sunk me ; my heart almost stopped beating with panic. She said :
- “Why do you have two pages?”
I didn’t know what to say but I could hear the tone of her voice was ‘worried’ so I actually tried to stay calm and just politely said “Was I supposed to have one?” because now her tone was actually freaking me out I needed to try and make her look like it was not serious, she then said something that KILLED ME! ><
- “They need one to register you. I hope you registered. Let me check if you are registered…/checks/ your name is not on the list”
- “Hold one one moment!”
열받아 ㅠ.ㅠ [I’m so upset]
Anyway, now the lady at the front desk said she was just going to the exams officer but everything would be able to be sorted out and so I shouldn’t panic much! This made me feel about as calm as I could get, I am a panicky person by nature so this was just too much for me and the lady was real nice ^^ it was easy to just breath a little ~
It was a couple of minutes till my name was called again ~ “Kirsten!”
This is now when I have my complaints on the system. The lady at the front desk went and got someone else who then says to me :
- Why did you not give the cashier your second paper!
How was I supposed to know their system when its the first time I am registering with them?! >< am I a freaking mind-reader? NO I am certainly not. She then goes on to tell me that the examinations officer is not in so can I come tomorrow morning (Thursday 19.9.2013) to see what can be done. This second woman now does not have the ability to keep a child calm (ya. I consider myself a child hehe) and she keeps making like its my fault that I didn’t give the cashier my paper to register me, like why on earth would I do that on purpose? Is that even freaking normal? The cashier should have taken it considering it was in her hand, she even stapled the receipt to both sheets of paper and gave them to me and that was it! What next should I have done? I thought it was all done. Must I now be questioning people if they have done their jobs correctly? ><
Anyway, so I asked this lady if it can be rectified and she kept saying the same shit over and over again “I don’t know. I don’t want to give you false information. I really don’t know. I don’t think so though.”
#Conclusion of Situation
- They should all do their jobs properly ~
- I have studied for months for this exam and although no learning is a ‘waste of time’ this would be so disappointing because of someone else’s error I can’t write my exams (3 of them!)
- its not my error I should not be punished for it!
I now have a massive headache. I don’ feel like studying anything, I just want to sleep and see what happens tomorrow morning, if this can’t be sorted out I am so damn serious I am going to lodge a formal complaint because its total bullshit that they can make a mistake like this and have me pay for it by not writing the exam, no way in hell is that going to happen, they screwed up and I have worked hard for this and so I should get to write my exams. I am keeping my fingers crossed though it can all be sorted out.
UPDATE 19.09.2013
Its all sorted thank goodness!! ^^ the exams officer actually called me at 8am before we had a chance to leave and she told me what the situation was and how it could be sorted, really kind lady. So, because it’s a little later (not first week of September) it will take a little longer and I will be able to get my entry slip next week Friday xD
Happy now 😀
I hope it goes well. It’s sad because I had difficulties with my university too. It was a matter of being credited for a subject that I took for a semester-long period, and if the problem wasn’t fixed, I just have to repeat that subject all over again. Sometimes, people can’t do their jobs properly and makes up stuff to make the us feel like we’re more in the wrong rather than them. That sucks, but I hope you can explain everything in a nice manner. Sometimes when you’re on your last nerve and you raised your pitch higher than usual, staffs get a little b*tchy and you don’t get what you’re asking for in exchange, so just stay calm, and cross your fingers *including your foot*.
It is all sorted 😀 the exams officer called me before I was about to leave home at about 8:30 in the morning and although I actually started to get a little defensive and hostile I soon realized I needed to be calm and listen to the lady on the phone and she actually told be that it would take longer but still be sorted my next week 😀 so that’s awesome ^^
Yeah! being nasty and shouting doesn’t help people then decide that its best to just ignore you and let you suffer (a.k.a they just get bitchy)
PS: did get a little defensive when she almost made it sound like I made the mistake! but she didn’t mean it like that ㅎㅎㅎ
Thanks for the comment!
Wow! What a scare! I’m glad it will be sorted out so you can sit your exams. Fingers crossed that you will do well 🙂 열심히 해요!
It was a scare to me considering! And yes its a good thing all is sorted. Haha I hope I do well otherwise I will land up thinking maybe I should just have left it and written in June lol xD but no I am happy I get to sit them now ~ Thanks for the comment!