I learnt this grammar for the first time about 3-4 weeks ago xD but it wasn’t hard to grasp the meaning and the way to use it!!~ but a few days ago I got an email from a Korean friend and she used this in her email so much I realised how versatile this grammar point actually can be despite the fact that it looks like it can be a bit one sided in its meaning ~ ㅎㅎ
Meaning of – (으) ㄴ적이 있다/없다
- this structure is used to express past experiences (or lack thereof) with ‘적’ meaning ‘time’ or ‘experience’ and ‘있다’ and ‘없다’ meaning ‘to have’ and ‘to have not’
Structure ~
The structure is actually really simple its just [Verb Stem + -(으)ㄴ 적이 있다/없다] depending on if your sentence is negative or positive you change the 있다 (positive/ have seen) or 없다 (negative / to not have seen)
보다 to see
보 – verb stem
보 + -(으)ㄴ 적이 있다 = 본 적이 있다
보 + -(으)ㄴ 적이 없다 = 본 적이 없다
본 적이 있어요 I’ve seen it before.
본 적이 없어요 I’ve never seen it before.
Examples ~
저는 ‘넌 내게 반했어’ 본 적이 있어요. I have seen the drama “You’ve Fallen For Me”
그 드라마 본 적이 없지만 시간 있으면 꼭 볼 거예요! I haven’t seen those dramas but if I have time I will certainly see them!
수업 늦은 적이 있어요. I have been late for class before.
본 적이 없어요. I’ve never seen it/that before.
Extra ~
Often times the ‘이’ particle is dropped in colloquial situations so if you see a sentence written without the 이 don’t get confused sometimes its easily dropped and added ^^ just depending on person and its does not change (so afar as I have seen) the nuance of the sentence at all!
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좋은 하루 보내세요!! ^^
To add, you can actually substitute 일이 to 적이 but 적이 is more colloquial 🙂 I was actually half-confused before about the difference of -아/어 보다 and this pattern but I finally got through it since I use them together sometimes. 한국에 가 본 적이 있어요?