학교폭력이 없는 대한민국 : 정용화


주변 친구들이나 선생님들, 가정에서 작은 관심을 보인다면 학교폭력은 없어질 것이라 생각합니다. [If we give little care to friends, teachers and family school violence is going to disappear]

I did translate it myself but I didn’t translate it that correctly so I got help from a Korean friend~ (고마워요 언니!)

Anyway its a message that is part of a series (국민이 행복한 대한민국 ~ Happy Citizens) and since Yong-hwa was in it I was interested and watched just this one which is on ‘school violence’ and the message says that if people give a little more care to their friends, teachers and family eventually school violence will disappear ^^;;

귀엽다 ㅋㅋㅋmakes me more of a fan than I already was of  정용화 (is that possible?)



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