Oh my word! It was almost a week that the blog refused to open >.< I was so irritated 😀
I tried just about anything I could think of but I finally got a little trick and then I was able to log-in and post ㅋㅋㅋ
So yesterday was a really great day my Mum and Dad were out of town and therefore it was just my sister and I at home alone which means I had nothing but my Korean study to do ~ did revisions almost the whole day plus I had ‘food breaks’ didn’t write a single note though which is a bit strange for me xD
Although, honestly I did get bored hehe.
#phototime 😀

Today, I am just going to work on revision again! Re-doing exercises and embedding this stuff in my mind 🙂 for about an hour after that I have no choice but to finish some very overdue #schoolwork and a very very very very (yeah emphasis on the ‘very’) overdue Character Analysis which means I have to read the Scarlet Letter again, but its a really good literary classic so I don’t mind!
Well, I hope you have less to do than I do on your weekend ^(^_^)^
좋은 주말 보내세요 ㅋㅋㅋ 🙂
Ah! You just gave me another idea for retaining what I learn! Go back to the book and revise. Why didn’t that cross my mind before? Oh yeah, because I learn, go “wheeee” and tend to not go back. OTL First the language journal now this. 😀 I was hoping I wouldn’t have to try using workbooks because they feel like school, it’s more money (that could go to another book that teaches stuff), and it’s hard to find an interesting workbook these days. Using a workbook helps me, but I sit there like TToTT Unfortunately my current weekend and next five will be full of stuff, but I’ll get checks out of it and probably pick up some time management skills. XD (Or you know, die. orz)
Haha! No idea 😀 I have personally never tried a workbook I should though maybe I will like them hehe ~ share those lovely time management skills 후후후