안녕하세용 ☆彡☆彡
I’m not sure if my expression is correct but I am half sure ㅋㅋㅋ it means what I wanted it to mean hehe!! ^^
Anyway on Facebook I read something and then I just realized that I am making myself tired and have no energy its all of my own doing ~ all because I’m nervous about something I have to do…from today I am not nervous instead of thinking in my mind Can I do this? I will now have a different mindset, the mindset of I absolutely can do this!! it’s amazing that I feel so much lighter having thought about what was making me feel like doing nothing everyday despite how much I have to do ㅋㅋ and having a load of time hehe♥
・・・so the Korean I studied was minuscule :p just a few vocabulary words and some grammar from koreanclass101 and also I am now re-reading “Korean Grammar In Use : Intermediate” I haven’t finished the book yet but I actually took a looong overdue break on reading so I have forgotten some points I learned and I just thought to myself “Alright. Let me just start at chapter one again hehe~” so I have and I have done chapter one already today ㅎㅎ made some notes and already I think I may have to start using that pretty notebook I bought a while back hehe ~
That’s all….have a good weekend 🙂
인터넷 돌아다니다가 우연히 이 블로그를 보게 되서 댓글 남깁니다 ㅋㅋㅋ
“안녕하세용 ☆彡☆彡” <- 이 문장이 너무 귀여워서요 ㅋㅋㅋ
한국어가 한국인에게는 쉽지만, 외국 사람이 배우기가 많이 어렵다고 하더군요.
꾸준히 노력하신다면 언젠간 진짜 한국인처럼 한국말을 할 날이 올 겁니다 ^^ 기운내세요!
I stumble on this blog at searching something in Google. ㅋㅋㅋ
"안녕하세용 ☆彡☆彡" <- Because of this sentence is so cute, I write this comment now ㅋㅋㅋ
Korean language is easy to learn for native-korean, but I heard it is hard to learn for foreigner.
If you continue studying, one day you will speak korean like native-korean. Cheer-up!
(I can't speak english well ㅠㅠ)
Aw.. really it was cute /hehe
It is harder for English-speakers to learn Korean but I think someone who speaks Chinese or Japanese will learn faster ^^ thank you for the vote of confidence 😀 I will keep studying everyday xD in the hopes of being native-like hehe.
(I can’t speak Korean well :p)
Thanks for the comment 😉