nothing today 🙂 I have so many dramas to watch so..ㅋㅋㅋ
All I’m going to do is marathon dramas I have on my external harddrive and on my laptop =D
Starting with ~
1. 주군의 태양 (The Master’s Sun)
Wanted to watch this drama after I watched a short clip of it on SBSNow YouTube channel ♠ it was all very cute to me ^^ didn’t know about the ghosts but that makes it fun hehe! Now that the drama is over I can just watch it non-stop till it ends and not have to wait a week for two new episodes (I hate that.)
I have purposefully kept away from any spoilers and trailers cos I don’t want the whole experience to be ruined (:
Hopefully I will enjoy it ㅋㅋㅋ /love the cover
2. 응답하라1997 (Reply 1997)
Because its cute♥ so is 서인국 I like him and his voice (plus he is also in ‘The Master’s Sun’) this drama though is in 경상도 사투리 (Gyeongsangdo Dialect) so I will never.ever turn the white subtitles off when I watch it or I will miss the whole damn point of this show hehe~ instead maybe I shall make a note to back back to it at a latter date.
Or not. I mean I will have to watch 응답하라1994 in a few weeks (November 22. Right?) 😀
Again. Considering this looks like a ‘school’ based drama hope I don’t get bored ㅎㅎ
3. 보고싶다 (I Miss You)
I have been on episode 4 for almost 6 months I think its time I either watched a few more (till 10 maybe) if I get bored then alright, but if there is something to watch then I should finish it =D I really like 윤은혜(Yoon Eun-hye) so I should just take it to the end its not a long time ~ just a few episodes…ㅋ?!
And it has Micky Yoochun so I am sure between the two of them it can be saved and beyond the whole melodrama with the two of them as children there must be some suspense (how can they not be?) also very sad if I can remember I was crying every episode I watched ㅠㅠ
Okay. Will watch now. 🙂
4. 굿닥터 (Good Doctor)
I enjoyed the episodes I watched till I just got busy. Schoolwork needed to be done and it fell to the side but this one I think is a really good drama (which is now also over!) so I can continue where I left off and avoid any spoilers again hehe♥ Joowon is a really good actor
inmostofhisdramas and I think this is one of the good ones not a great like 각시탈 (Bridal Mask) but a good watch non-the-less.
ps : 각시탈 is my favourite Korean drama on earth I can watch it about a billion times over and over again and never get sick of this story 😀 its just A GREAT DRAMA ♥♥♥♥
5. 황금의 제국 (Empire of Gold)
The cover looks good. The synopsis sounds interesting. I have episode 1 which I have just looked through (not watched it!) and it looks really really interesting =D its a bit long but I think I will like it …will tell in another post if I hated it or I loved it 🙂
I know none of the actors in the this drama so it will be interesting to see who I come to like and who I come to find irritating ;; no idea what I will think of it. The girl on the cover though is very attractive so I might like her (:
Its a long list and its a Sunday ♥ so it means its possible to just sit here and watch tv all day and then worry about everything that needs doing tomorrow xD have a good Sunday ~
PS: if you follow me on twitter (@seoulinme) you might get random tweets about how I am feeling about a drama or character (: its a hazard warning hehe♥