Wrote my exam. Have two more to write. I was shocked at the content even though I had studied. I have another exam on Tuesday. So what next?

Yes. I have 4 Korean books (3 novels/manhwa) and 1 Textbook (TOPIK) arriving really soon I am so excited. I have been eagerly looking forward to them since they were shipped but now I can’t wait to see them and start using them! ^^

I also have the textbook Yonsei 4-1 (연세 한국어) to finish it gets harder closer to the end of the textbook ㅠㅠ but I guess that should be beneficial in the long run, right?!

I remember telling you all I started a re-read on the textbook Korean Grammar In Use (Intermediate) well I have that to finish too. Luckily I don’t have to be as careful reading the beginning of the book, skimming through is fine.

I have been reading a lot on linguistics and language acquiring skills and around that sort of subject and also have been thinking of it, and how it affects my Korean. Its a working progress of ideas in my mind that fail to get organized everyday because I can’t think of anything but the exam >.<

CIMG3094#koreannotebook No stickers. Nothing. Just a plain picture of my notebook hehe!! 어때요? (How is it?)

O.o I have just 30 pages in my notebook left 😀 can’t wait to start a new one it will be sad ;; but moving forward it happier. ^__^

PS: I just realized its November ^^ my Mom just surprised me with the ‘pinch and a punch for the first day of the month’ I was like ‘……is it November?!’ hehehe </3 happy November hope it will be awesomer (that’s a word!) than October was ㅋㅋ


  1. I’m looking forward to your new Korean books arrival post^^. I was planning to order few books as well but I got hospitalized so the money for books were paid for hospital bill. I’m glad I’m not sick anymore…I adore your dedication to keep up your notes. I’m so terrible at it. I notice you translate the whole Korean sentence into English sentence. In my case I avoid doing that to train myself to just think only in Korean. It’s working well according to my language partner.

    1. I’m looking forward to getting them ^___^ but they are taking a long time TT omg are you alright now? I hope you are alright now!!! Completely recovered?! 다행이네요 ㅋㅋㅋ if I don’t keep notes I swear I will forget everything I read >.< I have the mental capacity of a golf-fish sadly. Yeah I do translate the whole sentence and I have been reading its not a good idea but luckily I don't do it all the time now ~ for this page of notes I had done a dictation exercise so those were the sentences I wrote down with the only word I spelt wrong "살 찌다" ㅋㅋ I shall take your advise and completely cut out writing in English to maximize on Korean thinking ability 😀 hope it works for me too :p Thanks ^^

      1. I’m completely recovered.^^ I’m afraid to go outside though between 5-7 am/pm just because I heard that’s when mosquitoes that bring dengue fever are flying everywhere.And sleeping late has weakened my immune system. So no late night Korean study anymore. Did you order from twochois?

        1. Dengue fever? Whoa. and yes I ordered from twochois and it was delivered really quick (less than a week!) but the forward to me was a little longer I think I can get them on Monday or Tuesday I am so excited now 😀

          Just take of yourself ^^

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