[Book Haul] Korean book package from twochois.com arrived!

Hey guys ^^ I have been a bit MIA for a while (lots of issues…etc.) but I am back xD and my Korean books I purchased from twochois.com arrived today (yesterday and I picked them up this morning!) I am so over the moon excited to have them in my hands its awesome ㅎㅎㅎ

Excited ^___^

Took some photos as soon as I could – which was not soon enough

TOPIK book, 3 만화 books and a FREE Infinite CD
TOPIK book, 3 만화 books and a FREE Infinite CD

Can’t stop saying how much I love my new books xD I have only opened one of the 만화 books the other two are still all neatly wrapped in their plastic ^^ opened the TOPIK book because I was in the car and had not the slightest control to wait till I got home I had to take a peek inside – I like what I saw too.

Magazine (High Cut and 1st Look)
Magazine (High Cut and 1st Look)

O.o I was shocked to see that twochois had given me 2 free magazines, I was expecting just the one ‘High Cut’ magazine with 김현중 the other – shocked- but thank you so much twochois!

Okay, so what I ordered :-

  • Complete Guide to the TOPIK [Basic]

Oh. This book I think I needed it more than I was letting on and I am certainly glad I have my hands on it now. I can study what the real TOPIK would be like and asses what my weaknesses and strengths are, play with more words – actually learn more words is more correct, my vocabulary is very weak and it needs to be improved with constant reading and effort and I think this is a step in the right direction.

I’m so looking forward to reading the book, and more of its kind.

  •  슬픈연가 만화 책 (Volumes 2, 4, 5) [Sad Love Story]

I am sure anyone who had read, and remembers one of my earlier posts I mentioned the first Korean drama I watched in 2007 was 슬픈연가 (Sad Love Story) and this drama was actually broadcast in 2005, which is 8 years ago now so it was unfortunate I was only able to get 3 volumes of a set that actually has 5 volumes -_- I am missing 1 and 3 but I am so glad to have them because they hold a sentimental value to me and well what can I say I’m a very sentimental girl </3 and I don’t wanna change – nonetheless I am thrilled to have them and I will read them perfectly and enjoy them more than anything 😀

Blah. blah….

Bottom line I am super happy to have these Korean books ~

#Extras from twochois.com 🙂

Aww twochois.com gave me extras too (omg!) and these extras are awesome and also new to me haha xD for example this is the first time I am handling and seeing a High Cut and 1st Look magazine before – yes, that sounds weird but around here I buy only one magazine and that is ‘PC Format’ haha ;;

So what I got as extras :-

  •  INFINITE [Destiny] 2nd Single Album

I like 엘 and 호야 and I dunno the rest of the INFINTE members – and I also happen to have not listened to this album before so I am looking forward to it. Chose this over 서강 쓰기 2 which seemed way too difficult for my level ㅜㅜ

  •  1st Look (Entertainment Lifestyle Magazine)

Never had this before. It looks interesting. The cover is the dude from Fashion King (I think…my sister said!!) I haven’t actually had a chance to look it over yet – soon!

  •  High Cut (with. 김현중)

OMG! When twochois.com asked me if I wanted this issue with 김현중 on the cover I just went totally mad and and thought to myself “Kyaaaa, yes of course I want the magazine that has that hot creature.”  I’m a huge 김현중 fangirl and I don’t take my duties to being a fangirl lightly I have to have this magazine and I am not disappointed the quality of the pictures in the magazine are exquisite he looks absolutely amazing and…..- all those words omitted are ramblings of a fangirl. (its a very important job this fangirl business!) ♥♥

There is also an interview, and I am more than certain it is beyond my level of comprehension but I am going to read it and understand it – no matter the time it takes ㅋㅋㅋ

I will read no matter what…!! Its a promise to myself 😀

So, all these books to read – I have to go now and start reading I can’t wait to get my hands on volume 2 of the 슬픈연가 manhwa book!!! I have already read just 2 pages but I am enjoying it and…its wonderful.

I am never this excited about new books ^____^


If you don’t know about the Korean online bookstore twochois.com read more here >.> [click here] and also I ordered the manhwa books using their “Special Order” service which you can find out more about at the link above.

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