Heyy 😀 first of all look at my new theme hehe I was on the WONDERRRGIRL blog because I really like reading that blog and I just noticed I adore the simplicity of her theme ^^ so I changed mine to a similar one. The free one -_-

I hope you like it ~

Anyway, I was watching Master’s Sun while my Mum and my sister were watching it and I just started writing down all I understood in Korean, just like a dictation exercise which was really fun I made mistakes but this is what I understood the most of in episode 2 (saw all this un-subbed!!!) I was really impressed with myself.

-저 시력 좋아요.
-눈이 좋아도 못 봐요.
-그쪽 아닙니다.이쪽은 강우입니다강우.
-이쪽은 태공실이에요. -무서우면 잡아도 됩니다.맙습니다.
-은설아, 우리 너 만나러 왔어.
-너한테 할 얘기가 있어.여기에 있는 거야?
-어? 사람이네.
-그러네요.여학생들 같은데요.넷이 뭐하는
-셋이잖아요.이봐, 학생들!거기서 뭐하는 겁니까?학생들! -너니?

Isn’t it lovely?! I have been saying this same passage in Tae Gong-sil’s voice and Gang-woo’s voice over and over again hehe ^^ especially the part with the three girls who have come to talk to the dead Eun-seol, been saying this “너한테 할 얘기가 있어.여기에 있는 거야?” in the slightly scared tone of voice hehe 😀 😀 also weirdly is helped me to remember how the hell to use –한테 I had forgotten for just a little while.

Made a note in notebook and now I remember.

This passage is also in my notebook ^^ dramas are sometimes such a fun way to test knowledge and now I have gotten just a little carried away with it I am doing it with several of my favourite drama scenes :p

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