Felt that a different category was needed for my studies that are TOPIK related and then further separated into the different levels as I study them ^^ that should make it easier to find things.

I hope that is.

I hope to complete one mock test by the end of the day ^^
I hope to complete one mock test by the end of the day ^^

Yesterday I was totally glad because I had decided to take two Korean textbooks with me – and my Korean notebook and I landed up waiting in the car for almost 2 hours while my sister was at the dentist >< during that time I actually  read and answered questions in the ‘Part 2’ section of Complete Guide to TOPIK (Basic) and got all the way to the 쓰기 (writing/essay) section which is nice, so I will just be working on writing something that can pass as an essay in terms of the TOPIK standards hehe 🙂

Writing technique I have no idea how to write something longer so I have devised a technique, or rather my own cheat sheet so it can help me develop so I can write in that way on my own unaided. So what I am going to do is write in English what I want to say and then I am going to translate it into Korean. I read a while back that as language learners we often make the mistake of thinking that translating from our target language >> into our native language when in fact we should take it from our native language (here it would be English) and translate it int our target language (would be Korean) so seeing as this is actually a good thing I don’t mind doing it at all 😀

my to-do list for this Saturday

  • Write an essay/writing that can pass as a TOPIK essay with correct grammar and long enough.
  • Continue with grammar study with KGIU (Intermediate)
  • ‘culture’ section of Yonsei 4-1 (read)
  • find another theme for the blog
  • look into a few books I want to buy and be certain they are what I am looking for.
  • Read Sad Love Story manhwa book
  • watch Cheongdamdong 111 – FNC program so lots of Yong-hwa in there 😀
  • catch up on blog posts I have missed in the last 2 weeks (:
  • watch ep. 4-8 of  Kami-sama Hajimemashita I got the anime bug I love Tomoe
  • update lang-8.com

Enjoy your Saturday everyone ^^


  1. Your Paturday plan is quite exciting. It’s already 6 pm here I haven’t studied Korean yet. Doing lesson plan for school requirement. Can’t wait to study Korean later!

    1. It was haha it’s now 4pm and I am almost done with everything I said I would do ~ almost done with the mock test and the 쓰기 is a mass of words that barely makes sense but hey I am trying xD no harm. I hope you eventually got to study Korean 🙂

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