Ummh I feel weird D: I haven’t been thinking straight for a few days i think its stress of something but hey I have been just a little bit obsessed with reading out-loud and recording myself to check my pronunciation 🙂

I actually have a super long reading practice (15 minutes) from the book  <슬픈연가> and I couldn’t stop but I’m not torturing you with that haha instead  I am posting a reading practice I just read from a lesson ^^ and I was surprised at how clear I read I stopped saying ‘하하’ halfway because it  was just awkward and weird ^^

Tell me what you think ^^ there is some improvements I think.

These days I am also recording audio blogs in Korean ^^ I stutter a lot but when I stop stuttering at every 5th word I will start to upload them….or maybe I will just upload what I have said it will be good to see the process of how I got better XD

Have a good day.  안녕!


  1. It is a great idea! – I also record myself speaking, sometimes it is horrible to listen to, I posted a tip on my blog, recently that may help you with those difficult pronunciations..

    Using the Google translate APP on my android phone I discovered a way that I was able to self correct my pronunciation. …rather than typing the sentence into google translate and then listening to and trying to mimic the pronunciation of the google translate voice, I thought why not read (say) the sentence in Korean and self correct my pronunciation until the software recognises the sentence correctly (usually a couple of times). the added benefit of this is that you have to say it quite quickly, if you pause, translate thinks that you have finished speaking and processes the audio to return the matching sentence and translation. So I am learning the sentence, correct pronunciation and natural speed and memorising it through repetition all in one hit.

    Good luck!

    1. Thanks for the tip, although I try and steer clear from Google translate apps because I am weak as well haha if I see them and use them too often I will become reliant on them ^^ I can’t have that happening to me (omg)

      I also didn’t know you had a blog I will check that out thanks so much XD

      1. Yeah I know what you mean, but I think it is ok to look words up and using it like this has helped my pronunciation (I Think)… My blog is just to keep my motivated (it is not as good or as interesting as yours!)

        1. Actually I used that method for learning English back in the days. My parents gave me a computer program where I had to listen to sentences, repeat them and then the program would analyse how different my pronunciation was from the standard British pronunciation and give me a score… That being said, I think a friend’s mother should get most credit for my knowledge of English since she would test my vocabulary and correct my pronunciation every time I met her.

  2. It’s really good practice 🙂 I aim to record myself once a week though I’m not sure I will publish all of the recordings. How do you decide what to read aloud? I feel that dropping the level a bit helps on my confidence once I have to say it out loud.

    1. Thank you 🙂 do it because it really does help ^^ I just pick something actually no method to it when its there and I want to read its what I am going to read. It does help with confidence when you drop the level (I do it sometimes!!!) I wish I could hear your reading practice XD

  3. You sound a bit like Yoo In-Na 🙂 I think your pronunciation sounds quite natural except for a few words (e.g. 어울려요, 보여요) where you seem to almost not pronounce one of the syllables. Keep up the great work, good luck with your Korean!

    1. Yoo In-Na!? Queen In-hyuns Man? 🙂 such a compliment hehe :p
      Yeah words that have the double consonants I can barely pronounce them they are like tongue-twisters ㅠㅠ and the transition of 올려요 is really difficult for me 🙁

      Thank you. 열심히 할거에요 ㅋㅋㅋ 🙂

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