Taking a bit of time to lower my stress level 😀 well more like a short 20 minutes!!!
Reading some blog posts and listening to the best song on earth ~
I adore this song so much it has a cathartic effect on me which is great ^^
Also I’ve just decided to finalize my list of books according to what I will need and what I need and also what I just “want” and that seems to be working 🙂
Changed the blog theme back to the old one it suits me and everything much better although I still want a theme so when I open the blog I see snow (might as well see it somewhere. No snow here where I live)
There is one book on my list with a pretty price tag of 75$ excluding shipping I need to get that from a different store, I want the book but I am not high on meths to pay 75$ + 60$ shipping for one book -_-
Although. I might actually pay that it really is the first book on my list haha I want it so bad 😀 (I sound obsessed with this book I have never seen neh?)
ps : there is a textbook review coming up soon – in a week or so!! 😀