4 pages till happiness

I have 4 pages of happiness right now 🙂

I’m reading episode 146 of TalkToMeInKorean’s Iyagi (Intermediate) lesson ㅎㅎ~ about 분실 (Loosing things) and often do that so this should be an interesting read/study ㅋㅋ

I’m having a little bit of foresight and imagining that there is going to be a ton of highlighter markings on my paper. I don’t care though I am really excited about the whole thing haha ^^

After all that 4 pages of happiness I’m going back to dramaland ~ with several dramas to watch, and I really enjoying ‘Rude Women’ as well as ‘One Warm Word’ its such a complex drama, might need a notebook with drama watching 😉

Countdown : 10 days to Christmas and 8 days till my Birthday ^^

(Filler post)

This song was recommended to me on Facebook and I love it (omg!) its amazing this girls voice is perfect. ^^ listen to it ~

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