I really really love the drama 따뜻한 말 한마디 (One Warm Word)

I am elated with joy that this drama is an SBS drama ㅎㅎ because I can get a transcript for it (although the last time I checked yesterday only episode one was available ;; ) these days I love learning with totally native Korean content (eg. Iyagi ; Advanced audio blogs and Naver news articles) because yes I currently suck at reading them in a few minutes but after about 3 hours or something like that I understand what I have read and it gives me a really good feeling ^^
From episode 1 of ‘One Warm Word’ I seriously only memorized one word and the word is ‘divorce’ (이혼) its the only word I remember off the top of my head ~ I will have to watch more to remember more but I am not going to beat myself up about not remembering everything I read that would be stupid, as it is impossible to remember every new word I came across xD
More on this drama, there are many things I like and one of them is the actors 🙂 Han Hyejin is seriously good ^^ as for Ji Jinhee he is really really awesome ~ I had never watched a drama with him but this is making me want to watch anything he is in. Because both the male leads are so good and (the situation) of the drama it makes it really hard for me to choose who to stan as my main 남자 I totally like Lee Sangwoo too ♥
I leave you with a sort of trailer with 한혜진 ㅎㅎ enjoy and I really hope you watch this drama 🙂