Back to Basics : -보다 and -더 보다

When I first learned how to say the structure (More than A…..B) eg. A보다 B I always forget it (even now..) just for a few seconds, then I have to think about the sentence I use to remember it, I use (Soju is cheaper than beer/ 맥주보다 소주가 써요) and then I say : before A is B or if I use the sentence I say it out loud then I say to myself Before beer is Soju. that way I remember that the one that you least prefer is first followed by the 보다 then the one that is better/ etc. is followed after that.

Random example sentences ~ 저는 지드래곤보다 정용화 좋아요. (I like Jung Yongwa more than GD)

차보다 커피 더 맛있어요! (Coffee is tastier than tea!)

However when I use the variation -보다 더 I never get confused because I always remember that the ‘더’ is the thing/person etc. that is better than what I mentioned first which makes it really simple to remember. But usually when I read anything in Korean it seems like the ‘더’ which I assume is supposed to solidify the fact the it really is ‘more’ than the other previously mentioned is used more frequently. Just like in the example sentence : 차보다 커피 더 맛있어요! easily I can remember that the aforementioned 차 is the least preferred and the 커피 is what tastes much better just because of the the ‘더’

Less confusing.

I know its a silly way to remember that :/ but hey it works for me and its a lot easier to use different methods to remember something rather than memorize it and simply keep forgetting it and having no way of recalling it to your memory ^^ then having to reread all the stuff that you could have just used a simple method. Better right?!

Its fun though to create different ways to remember, makes for easier recall when you need it ~ I think its really cool, especially since memorization is something I find tedious and a total waste of time. I always read blogs on language learning (I try everything, mix and match to develop my learning style) but the method (or idea?) I use is simple. Like second nature right now.

In the future I hope that I can easily recall things using methods like this/ and also because they are just second nature (seeing this in a lot of things……hope to get better though) its a lot of fun.

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ps : just a few more days to Christmas 짱! its the best time of year isn’t it? 🙂 Enjoy the holiday season ^^

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